
By Kåre Bergheim
22nd of March 2015
Exiting and re-entering an underground base. Meier’s explanation of Teleportation.
The teleportation events experienced by witnesses.
Meier‘s 8mm film recording of a craft de-materializing and rematerializing.
The underground base beneath the Giza plateau
Wendelle Stevens account of what Phobol Cheng saw at Ashoka Ashram in1964
Hans-Georg Lanzendorfer’s account of what Phobol Cheng saw at Ashoka Ashram in1964
How two space ships departed from the hall of the underground extra-terrestrial base at Giza.
Pleiadian underground base crew did not only attend to matters on Earth.
The undersea base in the North Sea.
Bases on the moon.
The closure of Pleiadian Earth bases – 1995.
Exiting and re-entering an underground base. Meier’s explanation of Teleportation
Meier was told by his Pleiadian extra-terrestrial contacts that they had maintained underground bases on Earth for about 200 years, up to the year 1995. These were built in order to fulfil very specific tasks on Earth. One such underground base was located in Switzerland, one on the American continent and one in the Far East. It should be added that Meier was also told their technology is 8000 years ahead of us, which would greatly extended their capacity to do things we are unable to do, also when it comes to the constructions and the method of travelling to and from these underground bases.
A crucial question in everybody’s mind would be; how do they bring their crafts into their underground bases and back up again without being detected? The answer to that is teleportation technology, which we currently treat as sci-fi technology but which is real and in use by space faring races, like the Pleiadians, according to Meier. This is what he wrote in Aus den Tiefen des Weltrenraums.. Kontakte mit den Plejadiern/Plejaren (1997) page 253 and 251
The so-called beaming
Beaming is a high-technological extension of a controlled transmission which is performed and controlled by tele-transmitter-machines. This is a form of transmission modelled after the consciousness-spiritual created teleportation of a body, in a similar way it is portrayed in science fiction films, whereby in truth the process of the de- and re-materialisation happen without the flickering energy effect, and tremendously faster than what is portrayed in the science-fiction-beaming-process in movies.
A de- and re-materialisation happen faster than lightening, consequently by beaming no process resp. no effect can be observed at all, not even if such a process was filmed and replayed with a trillion fold deceleration (slow motion). This form of transmission is however not only limited to humans, but also items or space ships etc. can be beamed by this technology. Humans, items, or spaceships etc. vanish into thin air without a trace so to speak, through beaming in normal space, only to turn up and reappear at destination at the same time, like out of nowhere, with a likewise incredible speed. This type of beaming is by the Pleiadians/Plejarans a common and daily applied method for the transport of people and materials etc.
German original
Das sogenannte Beamen
Das beamen ist ein hochtechnisierte Erweiterung einer kontrollierten Transmission, die durch Teletransmittermaschinen erfolgt und gesteuert wird. Es ist dies eine der bewusstseinsmässig-geistig erzeugten Teleportation nachempfundene Transmissionsform eines Körpers, wie dies in ähnlicher Form in Science-fiction Filmen dargestellt wird, wobei wahrheitlich der Vorgang der Ent- und Rematerialisation ohne flimmernde Energieeffekte und ungeheuer viel schneller vor sich geht, als dies be den Science-fiction-Beamvorgängen in Filmen dargestellt wird.
Eine Ent- und Rematerialisation erfolgt schneller als blitzartig, folglich beim Beamen keinerlei Vorgang resp. Effekt beobachtet werden kann, und zwar selbst dann nicht, wenn ein solcher Vorgang gefilmt und mit billionenfacher Verlangsamung (Zeitlupe) wieder abgespielt würde. Diese form der Transmission ist jedoch nicht nur auf Menschen beschränkt, denn auch Gegenstände oder Raumschiffe usw. können durch diese Technik gebeamt werden. Menschen, gegenstände oder Raumschiffe usw. verschwinden durch das Beamen im Normalraum quasi spurlos von der Bildfläche, jedoch nur, um im gleichen Augenblick am Zielort wie aus dem Nichts herausgezaubert mit ebenso unvorstellbarer Geschwindigkeit wieder zu erscheinen. Dieses Beamen ist bei den Plejadiern/Plejaren eine durchaus üblich und tägliche angewandte Methode der Beförderung von Menschen und Materialen usw.
Billy further writes de- and re-materialisation process takes place in 3 stages
Dematerialisation and re-materialisation
For the immense acceleration needed for transportation of humans and material, resp. of spaceships must the tangible coarse matter aggregate state of a body/object be transferred into a condition which is invisible and of fine-matter for a short period of time. This process, still unknown and mysterious appearing for people on Earth, is carried out in three steps:
Step 1:
As the first process is a dematerialisation initiated through which the tangible coarse matter body, resp. a spaceship with crew and everything inside, dematerializes at the point of departure, resp. starting point. That means that the ship and everything within it is disassembled in its atomic or subatomic components, which is to say, it becomes disintegrated. What differently explained means that everything in it is converted into subtle matter and therefore into pure energy.
Step 2:
This energy form of existence, resulting from the dematerialisation, is best suitable for this type of transport, because the fine material condition of the whole, form some kind of an energy packet, which in the fraction of a second, rushes from the point of origin to the final destination. By this process, the energy packet remains as an independent and compact unit without mixing with the energies of the surrounding space. Through this form of transportation occur no hindrances on the transit route, because hyperspace is free of any obstructing and dangerous things. In particular when crossing over from one very remote location to another, or from one dimension to another, is as a rule one of the spaces overriding the normal space, simply a so-called hyperspace, used as the way of transit.
Step 3:
By the re-materialisation, which takes place at the point of destination, is the original aggregate state lightning-fast rebuilt namely by the way that the energy packet, which has arrived at destination, again converts back to the physical shape it occupied before the dematerialisation.
The entire process of a de- and re-materialisation passes by incredible fast, therefore practically no loss of time occur during the two processes. There are also no obstructions and dangers with this because the dematerialized energies are such that they without restraint pass through any matter, both through concrete, steel or lead walls as well as through planets and suns. As such, when travelling by this mode of transportation, also stars comets meteorites and planets situated in the flight path of the energy packet in normal space form no obstacle or danger.
Already when the matter breakdown process has been triggered passes everything automatically as planned which means that it is no longer possible to stop or correct the sequencing, simply because it is no longer manually or technically possible to manipulate the already started dematerialisation process. This therefore requires that any programming must be carried out extremely accurately so that no mishaps occur, which can bring about catastrophic consequences which cannot be undone.
German original
Ent- und Rematerialisation
Für die immense Beschleunigung für den Transport von Menschen und Material resp. von Raumschiffen muss der greifbare, grobstoffliche Aggregatzustand eines Körpers/Objektes kurzfristig in einen Zustand versetzt werden, der unsichtbar feinstofflich ist. Dieser für den Erdenmenschen noch unbekannte und mysteriös erscheinende Vorgang vollzieht sich in drei Schritten:
1. Schritt:
Als Erster Vorgang wird eine Entmaterialisation eingeleitet, durch die ein greifbarer, grobstofflicher Körper resp. ein Raumschiff mit Besatzung und allem Drum und Dran am Ausgangspunkt resp. Startpunkt entmaterialisiert. Das bedeutet, dass das Schiff und alles sich Darinbefindende in seiner atomaren bzw. Subatomaren Bestandteile zerlegt, d.h <aufgelöst> wird, was anders erklärt bedeutet, dass alles in feinstoffliche Materie und somit in reine Energie umgewandelt wird.
2. Schritt:
Diese durch Entmaterialisation entstandene energetische Existenzform ist für einen Transport dieser Art am allerbesten geeignet, weil der feinmaterielle Zustand des Ganzen eine Art Energiepaket bildet, das in Bruchteilen einer Sekunde vom Ausgangspunkt zum Zielort rast. Bei diesem Vorgang bleibt das Energiepaket als selbständige und kompakte Einheit bestehen, ohne sich zu vermischen mit den Energien des umgebenden Raumes. Bei dieser Transportart treten auf dem Transitweg keinerlei Hindernisse auf, weil der Hyperraum frei von behindernden oder gefährdenden dingen ist. Besonders beim Überwechseln von einem sehr entfernten Ort zum anderen oder von einer Dimentsio zur andern wird in der Regel ein dem Normalraum übergeordneter Raum, eben ein sogenannter Hyperraum, als Transitweg benutzt.
3. Schritt:
Bei der am Zielort stattfindenden Rematerialisation wird blitzartig der ursprüngliche Aggregatzustand wieder hergestellt, und zwar dadurch, dass sich das am Ziel angelangte Energiepaket wieder in die körperliche Form umwandelt, die es vor der Entmaterialisation eingenommen hat.
Der gesamte Vorgang einer Ent- und Rematerialisation läuft unvorstellbar schnell ab, folglich praktisch keinerlei Zeitverlust entsteht während den beiden Vorgängen. Hindernisse und Gefahren gibt es dabei auch keine, denn die Entmaterialisationsenergien sind derart, dass sie hemmungslos durch jede Materie hundurchgehen, und zwar sowohl durch Beton-, stahl- oder Bleiwände als auch durch Planeten und Sonnen. Also bilden auch im Normalraum sich auf der Flugbahn des Energiepakets befindliche Gestirne, Kometen, Meteoriten und Planeten usw. keinerlei Hindernisse oder Gefahren, wenn auf diese Transportart gereist wird.
Bereits wenn die Entstofflichung in Gang gebracht ist, läuft alles automatisch programmgemäss ab, was bedeutet, dass dann keinerlei Möglichkeit mehr besteht, den Ablauf zu stoppen oder zu korrigieren, weil eben im bereits begonnenen Entmaterialisierungsvorgang keine Manipulationen manueller oder technischer Art mehr möglich sind. Dies bedingt also, das seine jede Programmation äusserst exakt erfolgen muss, damit keine Pannen passieren, welche katastrophale Auswirkungen zeitigen würden und nicht wiedergutzumachen wären.
Ende Auszug
About the so called beaming, Billy wrote the following above …”This form of transmission is however not only limited to humans, but also items or space ships etc. can be beamed by this technology. Humans, items, or spaceships etc. vanish into thin air without a trace so to speak, through beaming in normal space, only to turn up and reappear at destination at the same time, like out of nowhere, with a likewise incredible speed.”
Which makes sense, because if they have this technology is in place to teleport a human weighing around 75 to 90 kilos, then they would have the same technology in place to beam a much larger object, like a space craft weighing 1500 kilos or so, as it would only be a matter of scaling the very same technology up to handle a larger object.
What this also means is that all witness statements of teleportation events, involving either Billy Meier or the extra-terrestrials themselves, becomes very important to look at, as it becomes supporting evidence that also the space crafts can move using this technology, which is perfect for travelling to and from their underground bases, undetected and unhindered as nothing would stand in their way, be it stone or other solid matter.
The statement from Lt Col. (Ret.) Wendelle Stevens witnessing Billy Meier’s teleportation event on the 6th of August 1978 is well known and he also spoke about it at the IUFOC conference in Laughlin, Nevada in 2006. It is a detailed statement and it is further supported by Jakobus Bertschinger’s statement, one of the three other witnesses who was there that day, at Semjase Silver Star Center in Switzerland, and who also wrote a statement of what happened.
Stevens was that day present in the kitchen when Billy had readied himself for contact with the extraterrestrials, having taken a bath and put on clean cloths and the usual gear, an outdoor jacket walkie talkie and a gun for protection. Meier then got the telepathic signal to go for contact which he signalled to Stevens with his hand and immediately walked out the kitchen door with Stevens following after him, walking right behind, close enough to see the outer door closing in front of him. When Stevens came out, all he saw was three footsteps in the mud, so fresh that the water was still filling them up. There was no fourth footstep and Meier had vanished.
40 minutes after he had vanished, Meier called from a guest house located in Elgg, 16 kilometres from Schmidtrüti and asked to be picked up. He used the phone as his walkie talkie did not work due to the mountain range in-between. It was a distance he could not have walked within this time and the moped, his only vehicle for transport, was parked at the Center. No public transport could have got him there within that time either.
So Jakobus Bertschinger, Kalliope Meier and Wendelle Stevens then immediately drove off to pick him him up. When they arrived there, all of Meier’s cloths, including his outer jacket, were completely dry despite the continuous heavy rain. He only had some mud on his shoes. Other details further support the teleportation event and the contact itself, such as the precise timing, only 10 minutes prior to when Pope Paul VI died. Meier told Stevens the next day what he saw inside the craft, on its viewing screens. He also told Stevens names and other details of the next two popes to succeed Pople Paul VI, the Pope who died whilst Meier was inside the craft. That was information he had been given by the extra-terrestrials he met inside the craft that evening, Quetzal and Semjase. That particular information is also printed in the German contact notes, contact 113, 6 August 1978.
Engelbert Wächter wrote a lengthy statement about a teleportation event he witnessed when he was working alongside Meier on a shed roof, which happened just prior to Meier having contact 77 on the 31st of May 1977. Meier at that day became subject to a controlled teleportation, carried out by the extra-terrestrials from their craft. He was beamed up from a shed roof to a Pleiadian beam ship where he met with Ptaah. Engelbert Wächter’s witness statement is printed in the German contact notes Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 2 (2003) page. 457 and 458.
Engelbert Wächter also witnessed another teleportation event. Here he describes how he, and the group travelling with him, saw Meier return from a contact with Semjase. They first heard the familiar high pitched buzzing noise of the extra-terrestrial craft, as it came over their heads and then suddenly Meier stood beside them, after being teleported to the ground by the craft’s tele-transmitter device. His outer clothes were completely dry despite the heavy rain pelting down.
This event which Engelbert described took place late in the evening, 20th of February 1977 when Engelbert Wächter, Jacobus Bertschinger as well as his 75 year old father, Bernadette Brand and Billy drove in two cars in pouring rain towards Horgen/Hirzel in order to bring Billy to an arranged location… The statement he wrote is printed in several places, In Guido Moosbruggers’s book <… und sie fliegen doch! (1991), In Zeugenbuch (The witness book), in the German Contact notes and in Aus den Tiefen des Weltrenraums.. Kontakte mit den Plejadiern/Plejaren (1997), page 255. Below is my translation of Engelbert’s statement with the German original text beneath:
Engelbert Wächter:
“We finally reached our destination, after a swamp- and nightmarish journey over a distance of ca. 80 meters (after having driven about 70 kilometres). A final check of the radio sets, and Billy Meier disappeared from our sight as he walked between the tree trunks without light through the pitch dark forest. As Billy had just disappeared, we developed a lively activity. Initially, both cars must have been wheeled into a muddy swamp, which in the torrential rain and the soaked and slippery soil was not a trivial matter. Our Jacobus is here in retrospect assured of our honest recognition for his performance concerning this matter.
After turning the cars around, we had to mount snow chains, for at all to be able to leave from the swamp area. We now positioned ourselves at the edge of the forest, under the protective treetops, waiting for Billy to return. The flood of rain clapped down in harmonic unison and the heavy drops which dripped from the trees on to our necks hit the tact with it and gradually transformed our clothes into wet bags. Now and then the wind played with the treetops, which every time released real cascades of water and which not exactly served to improve our drive track, because a small lake slowly formed around both cars. While Jacobus was still trying to better tighten the tensioning chains, the excited cry of a tawny owl penetrated the relatively quiet, dark wood and another two animals joined in.
Seconds later a strange noise filled the air which shortly after changed into the singing (buzzing) familiar to us. Now we knew: The beam ship of our common friend and mediator of ancient truths – Semjase – with our friend Billy on board, was slowly moving over our heads in low altitude. But the buzzing had barely faded away over the fir tree tops, when all of a sudden Mr. Meier stood in our midst – for us completely surprisingly - radiant with happiness with completely dry clothes in spite of the rain still pelting down. Only little by little did his dry raincoat become wet and started to shine in the beam of the headlights of our cars. But how could it have been different: In Semjase’s beam ship he was of course protected from the rain and as we know, nobody becomes wet through transmission with the help of tele-transmitters.
After Billy had returned, both the vehicles were in all haste connected with a tow rope to make it possible for the smaller car to get away from the deep mud without chains. About 1’clock in the morning, we said a warm goodbye in Wädenswil and in spite of the mud bath and rain adventure we all travelled home in high spirits. Does it surprise you, dear reader that to me a small Earth worm our common friend Semjase performed another superb acrobatic flight with her beam ship to the best of my dreams?”
German Original
Engelbert Wächter:
“Nach einer Sumpf- und Höllenfahrt über eine Strecke von ca. 80 Metern (und nach etwa 70 Kilometer Fahrt) hatten wir dann endlich unserer Ziel erreicht. Noch eine letzte Kontrolle der Funkgeräte, und Billy Meier entschwand unseren Blicken, denn er tappte ohne Licht zwischen den Baumstämmen des stockdunklen Waldes hindurch. Kaum war Billy verschwunden, entwickelten wir eine rege Tätigkeit. Zunächst mussten die Beiden Autos in morastigen Sumpf gewendet werden, was bei dem sturzflutartigen Regen und dem aufgeweichten, glitschigen Boden wahrlich keine Kleinigkeit war. Unser Jacobus sei hier nachträglich für seine diesbezügliche Leistung unserer ehrlichen Anerkennung versichert.
Nach dem Wagenwenden mussten wir Schneeketten montieren, um überhaupt aus dem Sumpfgelände wieder wegfahren zu können. Nun stellten wir uns auf Billys Rückkehr wartend am Waldrand unter die schützenden Baumkronen. In harmonischem Gleichklang klatschte die Regenflut nieder, und die schweren Tropfen, die von den Bäumen in unsere Genicke tropften und unsere Kleider allmählich in nasse Säcke verwandelten, schlugen den Takt dazu. Hin und wieder trieb der Wind sein Spiel mit den Baumwipfeln, was jedesmal wahre Wasserkaskaden auslöste und nicht gerade dazu beitrug, unseren Fahrweg zu verbessern, denn langsam bildete sich um die beiden Autos ein kleiner See. Noch während Jacobus im Lichte einer langsam absterbenden Taschenlampe versuchte, die Spannketten noch besser anzuziehen, durchdrang plötzlich der aufgeregte Schrei eines Waldkauzes den relativ ruhigen, finsteren Wald, und noch zwei weitere Tiere stimmten mit ein.
Sekunden später erfüllte ein eigenartiges Rauschen die luft, das gleich darauf in ein uns bekanntes Singen (Sirren) überging. Nun wussten wir Bescheid: Das Strahlschiff unserer gemeinsamen Freundin und Vermittlerin uralter Wahrheiten – Semjase – mit unserem Freund Billy an Bord zog langsam in niedriger Höhe über unsere Köpfe hinweg. Aber kaum war das Sirren über den Tannenwipfeln verklungen, da stand urplötzlich Herr Meier mitten unter uns – für uns völlig überraschend -, glückstrahlend mit absolut trockener Kleidung, trotz des immer noch niederprasselnden Regens. Nur nach und nach wurde sein trockener Regenmantel nass und begann im Scheinwerferlicht unserer Autos zu glänzen. Doch wie hätte es auch anders sein können: In Semjases Strahlschiff war er natürlich vor dem Regen geschützt, und bei einer Transmission mit Hilfe des Teletransmitters wird bekanntlich niemand nass.
Nach Billys Rückkehr wurden in aller Eile beide Fahrzeuge mit dem Abschleppseil verbunden, um dem kleineren Wagen ohne Ketten das Wegkommen aus dem tiefen Schlamm zu ermöglichen. Gegen ein Uhr morgens verabschiedeten wir uns herzlich in Wädenswil, und trotz des Schlammbades und Regenabenteuers fuhren wir alle in gehobener Stimmung nach Hause.
Verwundert es Sie, liebe Leser, dass mir kleinem Erdenwurm unsere gemeinsame Freundin Semjase im Traum noch eine grandiose Kunstflugeinlage mit ihrem Strahlschiff zum besten gab?”
Another witness is Kalliope Meier who witnessed the teleportation of Ptaah. She got a good look of him the very moment he pressed a button on a devise attached to his belt whereupon he disintegrated and vanished. This how Kalliope described what she saw in 1979. Ref Zeugenbuch (2001) page 227 - Kurze Begegnung mit Ptaah
Short encounter with Ptaah
“It was yesterday, on Billys birthday 3rd February 1979, when I, Kalliope Meier, towards 2.30 PM came from the kitchen and stepped into our sitting room because I wanted to get something there. The door opened and I took the first step into the room when I stopped frightened because at the rear living room exit door stood a big male figure dressed in a strange grey outfit. A type of overall which in the neck featured a large round opening which obviously served for a helmet but which the man did not wear. Around the belt were mounted some strange things.
Himself obviously startled, the bearded man looked at me for several seconds, then took a step backwards and reached with his left hand for a small device on his belt whereupon he simply, within a split second, disintegrated into nothing. He disappeared simply without a trace, in fact without noise. Still startled standing there, wild thoughts shot through my head, before it became clear to me that the man at whom I had been staring at for about 15 seconds, could have been no one else but Ptaah – the extra-terrestrial friend of Billy. Billy’s description of this man fitted at least very precisely to the figure in the living room.
And that it really was Ptaah, verified he to Billy, still on the same day, at 2.46 PM, thus about 15 minutes after the incident, did contact 119 take place, whereby as Billy explained, Ptaah told him that he had looked for him in the sitting room and in the bedroom, where in fact Billy still was minutes earlier, before Ptaah appeared, however he then went out through the bedroom-corridor exit door in order to go to the garage where he did something. After that, the contact place took place. "
German original
Kurze Begegnung mit Ptaah
“Es war gestern, Billys Geburtstag, der 3. Februar 1979, als ich, Kalliope Meier, gegen 14.30 Uhr von der Küche her kommend in unsere Wohnstube trat, weil ich dort etwas holen wollte. Die Tür öffnend, machte ich den ersten Schritt in den Raum, als ich erschreckt stehen blieb, den am hinteren Wohnraumausgang stand eine grosse männliche Gestalt, die in einen seltsamen grauen Anzug gekleidet war. Eine Art Overall, der am Hals eine grosse, runde Öffnung aufwies, die offenbar für einen Helm diente, den der Mann jedoch nicht trug. Rund um den Gürtel waren einige fremdartige Dinge angebracht.
Offenbar selbst erschrocken, sah mich der bärtige Mann sekundenlang an, machte dann einen Schritt rückwärts und griff mit seiner linken Hand an ein kleines Gerät an seinem Gürtel, worauf er sich einfach von einem Sekundenbruchteil zum andern in nichts auflöste. Er verschwand einfach spurlos, und zwar ohne Geräusch. Noch immer erschrocken dastehend, schossen mir wilde Gedanken durch den Kopf, ehe es mir klar wurde, dass der Mann, den ich etwa 15 Sekunden angestarrt hatte, niemand anderes als Ptaah gewesen sein konnte – der ausserirdische Freund von Billy.
Billys Beschreibung von diesem Mann passte jedenfalls sehr genau zur Erscheinung im Wohnraum. Und dass es tatsächlich Ptaah gewesen war, bestätigte er gegenüber Billy noch am gleichen Tag, den um 14.46 Uhr, also etwa 15 Minuten nach dem Vorfall, fand der 119. Kontakt statt, wobei, wie Billy erklärte, Ptaah ihm sagte, dass er ihn in den Wohnstube und im Schlafzimmer gesucht hätte, wo Billy Minuten zuvor, ehe Ptaah in Erscheinung trat, tatsächlich noch war, jedoch dann zur Schlafzimmer-Gang-Aussentür hinausging, um zur Garage zu gehen, wo er etwas erledigte. Danach fand dann der Kontakt statt”
This signed statement, one of many, printed in the German contact notes, Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 3 (2004) p.348, in which Kalliope Meier details how she witnessed the teleportation event, or de-materialisation, of Ptaah, right in front of her eyes, not only points to that the Pleiadians have advanced teleportation technology in place to transport their own crew, to and from their crafts, but it also points to that they had this technology in place to dematerialise and re-materialise their crafts in order to travel inn and out of their underground bases on Earth, unhindered and undetected by our Military. Also, this and other statements give strong support to Billy Meier’s own information and 8-mm film recording of an Pleiadian space craft dematerialising and re-materialising at Berg/Rumlikon on the 14th of June 1975.
Meier‘s 8mm film recording of a craft de-materializing and rematerializing.
On the 14th of June 1975 <Billy> Eduard Albert Meier took more than 70 photographs as well as 8mm film of this Pleiadian space craft at Berg/Rumlikon, Switzerland. Note how the light from the sun is reflecting on the metallic skin of the craft. The craft is piloted by Semjase and she is here performing a demonstration flight for photographic evidence purposes. The craft is 7 meter (23ft) in diameter. Image credit <Billy> Eduard Albert Meier 14. June 1975
At about the 11 minute mark into the Movie CONTACT 1982, Billy Meier re-enacts to the investigator team, with his 8mm film camera on a tripod, how he took the photos and as well as the 8mm movie clip at Berg/Rumlikon on the 14th of June 1975. Part of the dialogue goes as follows:
Billy Meier: “Jumped, Yes jumped. It jumped away nearly as fast as the speed of light."
Commentator: “By jumping Meier means the ship appears and disappears.”
Billy Meier: “Each time I got electrical hit when the ship was jumping. And at later times they told me there shall be a very strong power field, electrical power field, and from that out I always got electrical hit.”
Commentator: “By electrical hit, Meier means an electric shock. He also noted a light shift at each event. “
The light shift Meier mentioned that he saw at each event, to the investigator team, also showed up when the film was closely examined. Below is a still from the DVD The Meier Chronicles, which shows the same 8mm film clip as in the movie CONTACT 1982, which of the Pleiadian beam ship, recorded by Billy Meier at Berg/Rumlikon on the 14th of June 1975. This is the commentator remark at the 28 minute mark:
“Japanese analyses of this footage would reveal, through super slow motion, that an unexplained light shift occurs three frames prior to the beams ships dematerialisation and re-materialisation. It is believed that the craft is emitting some form of energy 3/20th of a second prior to its disappearance or reappearance.”
The underground base beneath the Giza plateau
Meier detailed how Asket, his then extra-terrestrial contact person, took him to an underground base beneath the Giza plateau in 1956. There he saw how two craft departed from the underground base using teleportation technology and he described what he saw. I have translated this further below.
First question is what evidence are there to support his claim. Here are two:
· Teleportation
Meier claim teleportation technology was used to bring the crafts to and from the underground base.
When the official contact started in January 1975 Meier was able to provide evidence that the extra-terrestrials who contacted him disposed of teleportation technology. There are multiple witness accounts involving teleportation events in the witness book and in the German contact notes.
· The Meier case witness Phobol Cheng
Meier claimed he was taken to the underground base in 1956 by Asket, who was his then extra-terrestrial contact person over the period 1953 to 1964.
Phobol Cheng, a former UN diplomat, was present in Ashoka Ashram when Billy Meier was there in 1964, a year which falls within the time period he claims he stood in contact with Asket. Phobol Cheng is an important witness in this respect, therefore, below are two accounts of what she experienced, one written by the investigator of the Meier case, Wendelle C Stevens and the other by Hans Georg Lanzendorfer who published his 2nd book about Billy Meier in 2006. Lanzendorfer had then been a member of Billy Meier’s core group for about 20 years. He was also that year the Swiss media representative for the group and Billy Meier.
Wendelle Stevens account of what Phobol Cheng saw at Ashoka Ashram in1964
Wendelle Stevens was here speaking at the “The Meier case update 2006” at the International UFO Conference in Laughlin Nevada. In this speech he gave a detailed witness account of what he experienced during the teleportation event which took place during contact 113 on the 6th of August 1978. It was Stevens who first met the Meier case witness Phobol Cheng, in New York in 1993.
This is what Wendelle Stevens wrote on page 24 in Messages from the Pleiades volume 4 (1995) about how he first met Phobal Chang (he spelled her sir name with the third letter being an a) and her account of what happened when Meier visited the Ashram where she was then living as a teenage girl. Quote:
“I was engaged to speak at the Whole Life Expo in New York in1993, when another of those unusual events in synchronicity took place.
I was late for my scheduled time on stage, because my airplane was delayed and arrived quite late. And I took a taxi from Kennedy Airport to the Pennsylvania Hotel downtown where the Expo was being staged. I was rushing to the auditorium, as someone else was holding the stage for me to get upstairs, and as I came down the final corridor a small Asian woman touched my arm and said she must talk to me. I said I would wait for her immediately after the presentation, and I did so as I spoke to David Hurleburt there.
The attractive oriental lady introduced herself to me as Pauline and asked if we could go someplace to talk uninterrupted. So she and Dave and I went down to the Coffee Shop on the ground floor and took a table in the back.
Pauline turned out to be a member of her country’s diplomatic mission to the United Nations and her own national name was Phobal C. She was interested in me because I had reported the Billy Meier contacts in Switzerland.
Then Pauline made a most surprising statement of great interest to me. She said she was a young girl 10 years old and living at the Ashoka Ashram at Merhauli, India, when Eduard Meier was there! She said she and her little brother 8 years old liked Mr. Meier because he would let her brother play with his pet monkey and make him do tricks. She said Mr. Meier did not always eat, but that the little monkey never had to go hungry, because he always saw to it that the little monkey was well groomed and cared for.
She said she knew Mr. Meier there for nearly a year during that time. She told us her grandfather was the head of the ashram at the time, and she and her family lived there. Her family and she and her brother spoke some English and Meier knew a little and spoke to them some in that tongue, among others.
She said she knew that Meier was seeing and also photographing “celestial ships” in the sky, and she had seen some of his photographs there. She said the local villagers around the vicinity of the ashram there considered Meier ‘’strange’’ and were suspicious of him.
I immediately said, “How do you mean ‘strange’? Did they think he was crazy?” And she said, “Oh no, they didn’t think he was crazy. They believed that he was in contact with a ‘celestial woman’, because some of them had seen him photographing the ships in the sky, and some had even seen him taking to the woman from the ship! In India there are many eyes and they see much, and the stories proliferate.
Phobal and her brother liked Meier and followed him around a lot while he was there. She now wanted to know more about him and how he was doing today.
Now I had never heard Meier say anything about a pet monkey in India, and so I thought this was a good clue to follow-up on. Did the woman really know him and would he remember her?
So as soon as I got home from that trip I wrote Mr. Meier and described my meeting with Phobal in New York, and did he remember her, and did he have a pet monkey in India?
I am furnishing a reproduction of his surprising letter reply, a copy of which I also forwarded to Phobal C., putting her in direct contact with Mr. Meier again.
A few months later Phobal returned to her native country to see her old and ailing grandfather there, the former head of the ashram at Mehrauli, now 105 years old and living in retirement at home, and on the way back she stopped in Switzerland to see Mr. Meier. He was so pleased to see her again that he spent much of nearly 3 days taking her with him wherever he went as they discussed old times and old remembrances and renewed acquaintances together. This was most unusual now, for Mr. Meier who is so thoroughly burned out on people that he meets nobody outside his group any more.
While at home, Phobal asked her grandfather about Mr. Meier and what he remembered of him. He said he knew Mr. Meier was having these contacts around the vicinity of the ashram at the time. She said that her grandfather fully accepted the reality of extraterrestrial contact with Earth humanity then and even today.
This was just one more of the many corroborations of the Meier case that turned up as we proceeded with the years long investigation of this remarkable event. Many of these things were clearly beyond the capability of Eduard Meier to stage or control.”
Hans-Georg Lanzendorfer’s account of what Phobol Cheng saw at Ashoka Ashram
Left: Hans-Georg Lanzendorfer in 2006. He had been a member of Figu Core group since 1987 when in 2006 he published Lehre und Künder der Wahrheit (Eng. The teaching and announcer of truth)
In this book he gave a detailed account of what Phobol Cheng saw at Ashoka Ashram during Billy Meier’s stay there in 1964. The year Hans-Georg Lanzendorfer published this book, in 2006, he was also the Swiss media representative for the Billy Meier case.
Part quote from page 396 to 397 of the book Lehre und Künder der Wahrheit (2006) (Eng. The teaching and the announcer of truth), by Hans-Georg Lanzendorfer. My translation above the German original:
“ An important witness at that time period with regard to BEAM (Billy Eduard Albert Meier) and the events in the Ashoka Ashram in Mahrauli is Phobol Cheng (picture No. 3), the granddaughter of the then Buddhist teacher Dharmawara. As a small girl she got to know Eduard Albert Meier personally when he stayed with her grandfather in the Ashoka Ashram in 1964. The mission Ashoka was founded in the third century by king Ashoka and is the oldest Buddhist school. Between April and September 1964, BEAM undertook one of his many trips. According to the witness, in 1964 he stayed in the Ashoka Ashram in Mahrauli, close to New Dehli, to study Buddhism with her grandfather.
On a photograph from 1967, the main witness Phobol Cheng can be seen with her grandfather, VB Dharmawara, and her younger brother. Her grandfather Dharmawara stood himself in personal contact with the extra-terrestrial woman Asket. In addition, he and his two grandchildren were present several times when the foreign-terrestrial Asket and Eduard A. Meier in the year 1964 were moving freely on the site of the Ashram. The monk Dharmawara was highly honoured and respected and lived in the best of health into old age.
He died in the year 1999 at the age of 110, in California, where he later had emigrated and opened a Buddhist school. His granddaughter Phobol Cheng was for several years a diplomat at the UN and lives today in New York City. Her younger brother was taught in snake catching by Eduard Albert Meier during the months he stayed at Ashoka Ashram. The witness Phobol Cheng also confirmed the fact that Eduard Albert Meier up until they met had carried out a wide range of different activities, like for example as a veterinarian and <medicine man>, etc.
In addition, Phobol Cheng also confirmed <Billys> claims that during his stay in India many people in Ashoka Ashram had witnessed the encounters of his contacts with the extra-terrestrial Asket and her space ship. The witness P. Cheng had with her own eyes seen how he walked across the grounds of the ashram in the company of a young woman with long brown hair who was dressed in a space suit. For the people at Ashoka Ashram this was a matter of course.
Beside BEAM, also her grandfather had occasionally the opportunity to speak with the extra-terrestrial visitor Asket or other foreign-terrestrial people, whereby the grandchildren could also observe them during their joint conversations. Some of the conversation partners of her grandfather had simply appeared from <nothing> and in the same way disappeared again.
Phopbol Cheng, the granddaughter of the monk Dharmawara, appeared in 1998 unexpectedly in the SSS centre (picture No. 4), after BEAM again had been brought to her attention by the American UFO researcher Wendelle C. Stevens, Lieutenant Colonel of the USAF (Ret)., as well as by the media and UFO congresses. During her visit in Hinterschmidrüti she told the present members of the association FIGU of those occurrences and stories, concerning <Billy> and Asket, as they actually took place about 34 years before in Ashoka Ashram in Mahrauli/India. ”
German original
Teil sitat von seite 396 bis 397 in das Buch Lehre und Künder der Wahrheit (2006) von
Hans-Georg Lanzendorfer:
“Eine wichtige Zeitzeugin bezüglich BEAM (Anm: kurz für Billy Eduard Albert Meier) und der Geschehen im Ashoka Ashram in Mahrauli ist Phobol Cheng (Bild Nr. 3), die Enkelin des damaligen buddhistischen Lehrers Dharmawara. Als kleines Mädchen hatte sie Eduard Albert Meier persönlich kennengelernt, als er 1964 bei ihrem Grossvater im Ashoka Ashram wohnte. Die Mission Ashoka wurde im 3. Jahrhundert von König Ashoka gegründet und ist die älteste buddhistische Schule. Zwischen April und September 1964 unternahm BEAM eine seiner vielen Reisen. Im Ashoka Ashram in Mahrauli nahe New Dehli verweilte er gemäss der Zeugin im Jahre 1964, um bei ihrem Grossvater den Buddhismus zu studieren.
Auf einem Photo aus dem Jahre 1967 sind die Hauptzeugen Phobol Cheng mit ihrem Grossvater, V.B Dharmawara, und ihr jüngerer Bruder zu sehen. Ihr Grossvater Dharmawara stand selbst in persönlichem Kontakt mit der ausserirdischen Frau Asket. Zudem waren er und seine beiden Enkelkinder mehrmals zugegen, wenn sich die fremdirdische Asket und Eduard A. Meier im Jahre 1964 auf dem Gelände des Ashrams frei bewegten. Der Mönch Dharmawara wurde hoch geehrt und geachtet und lebte bis ins hohe Alter bei bester Gesundheit.
Er starb im Jahre 1999 im Alter von 110 Jahren in Kalifornien, wohin er später ausgewandert war und eine buddhistische Schule eröffnet hatte. Seine Enkelin Phobol Cheng war mehrere Jahre Diplomatin bei der UNO und lebt heute in New York City. Ihr jüngerer Bruder wurde in den Monaten seines Aufenhaltes im Ashoka Ashram von Eduard Albert Meier im Schlangenfang unterrichtet. Die Zeugin Phobol Cheng bestätigte auch die Tatsache, dass Eduard Albert Meier bis zu ihrem Zusammentreffen eine Vielzahl von verschiedenen Tätigkeiten ausgeführt hatte, wie z.B. als Tierarzt und <Medizinmann> usw.
Im weiteren bestätigte Phobol Cheng auch <Billys> Aussagen, dass währen seines Aufenhaltes in Indien viele Menschen im Ashoka Ashram Zeugen der Begegnungen seiner Kontakte mit der Ausserirdischen Asket und ihrem Raumschiff geworden waren. Die Zeugin P. Cheng hatte mit eigenen Augen gesehen, wie er in Begleitung einer jungen Frau mit langen braunen Haaren, die in einen Raumanzug gekleidet war, über das Gelände des Ashrams spazierte. Für die Menschen im Ashoka Ashram soll dies eine Selbstverständlichkeit gewesen sein.
Neben BEAM hatte auch ihr Grossvater die Gelegenheit, öfters mit der ausserirdischen Besucherin Asket oder anderen fremdirdischen Menschen zu sprechen, wobei die Enkelkinder auch diese bei den gemeinsamen Gesprächen beobachten konnten. Einige der Gesprächspartner und Gesprächspartnerinnen ihres Grossvaters seien dabei einfach aus dem <Nichts> erschienen und auf dieselbe Art und Weise wieder verschwunden.
Phopbol Cheng, die Enkelin des Mönches Dharmawara, erschien 1998 unerwartet im SSS-Center (Bild Nr. 4), nachdem sie durch den amerikanischen UFO Forscher Wendelle C. Stevens, Lieutenant Colonel der USAF (Ret.) , sowie durch die Medien und UFO-Kongresse wieder auf BEAM aufmerksam gemacht wurde. Bei ihrem Besuch in Hinterschmidrüti erzählte sie in bezug auf <Billy> und Asket den anwesenden Mitgliedern des Vereins FIGU von jenen Begebenheiten und Geschichten, wie sie sich rund 34 Jahre zuvor in Ashoka Ashram in Mahrauli/Indien tatsächlich zugetragen hatten.”
Photo of Phobal C. Credit: Message from the Pleiades volume 4. Wendelle Stevens.
New York City, Pensylvania Hotel Coffee Shop, 1993. This is Phobal C. as she appeared during the first meeting with Wendelle Stevens and discussion of her former knowledge of Eduard Meier and his life in the Ashoka Ashram at Merhauli, India, where she knew him personally.
Photo of Asket’s space ship taken by Billy Meier. Credit: Message from the Pleiades volume 4. Wendelle Stevens.
3 July 1964, 16:22, Ashoka Ashram, Mehrauli, India. This was the second set of photographs of the silvery disc made this day as the beautiful craft flew low above the rooftops of the ashram. Many of the people there witnessed this event as Meier made these photographs.
The Kheops pyramid. Credit Nina Aldin Thune commons.wikimedia.org
It was here, on the 3rd of February 1956, that Meier entered the underground base. The corridor started at one of the sides of the Kheops Pyramid. It went underneath it, continued deep down and to the side. It was Asket who took him to the entrance, which was on the opposite side of the pyramid from where the Sphinx is located. They there approached a large square stone block which suddenly, as if being moved by magic, pushed inwards into the pyramid.
Asket led him into this opening and through to a narrow passageway, which appeared to the right of the square stone block which had just glided away. Barely inside the corridor, the square stone block moved back again and closed the entrance. In the corridor, which was not wider than fifty or sixty centimetres, there was a twilight of which he was unable to determine where it came from.
How two space ships departed from the hall of the underground extra-terrestrial base at Giza.
This is Meier’s description of how two space ships departed from the hall of the
underground extra-terrestrial base at Giza by using teleportation technology
Part quote from the book “Aus den Tiefen des Weltenraums…Kontakte mit den Plejadiern/Plejaren” by Billy Meier page 74. My English translation above the German original:
Billy Meier:
“When they arrived there, the men left the carriage and went to the small ships where they immediately just disappeared. Then sounded a loud, piercing buzzing noise and I then saw two of the triangular spaceships, how they hovered upwards and moved in the direction towards zenith of the hall, where I recognized high above, under the ceiling, a metallically working and about 400 to 500 meters in diameter and at least 10 meter thick bulge which immediately glowed brightly, as both ships were within it. Then an immense surface flash went out from the bulge around – and the two small spaceships started briefly to shimmer, became transparent and simply disappeared.
It all lasted no more as just one short moment. Now, I thought, this must probably have been a transfer of the ships to the outside something which Asket immediately confirmed. It further interested me if nothing could be noticed from the outside in this process, when the spaceships suddenly appeared like from nowhere, and whether up to now still nobody has found the secret entrance to the corridors. The second question she denied, and to the first the explanation was that the spaceships would again rematerialize only high above the ground, in about forty kilometres altitude, consequently they could not be observed from Earth.
When returning, they would then fly towards their target in an invisible state and dematerialize just above the ground, whereby the energy bulge I observed plays an important role, whose forces reached from the hall to about 35 meters above the earth surface. Of course, I wanted in addition to know whether it then is dangerous for any people or animals to stay within the sphere of the bulge energy on earth. This was however not the case, Asket explained, and also the surface flash cannot be seen on the Earth’s surface, because there only the pure energy works, and in fact only for objects which dispose of the specific apparatuses needed in order for the transfer-energy to take effect.”
German original :
Unter Bezugnahme auf “Aus den Tiefen des Weltenraums…Kontakte mit den Plejadiern/Plejaren” von Billy Meier Seite 74. Teil Zitat Billy Meier:
“Dort angelangt verliessen die Männer das Gefährt und gingen zu den kleinen Schiffen, wo sie alsbald einfach verschwanden. Dann erklang ein lautes, durchdringendes sirrendes Geräusch und dann erblickte ich zwei der dreieckigen Raumschiffe, wie sie hochschwebten und sich Richtung Zenit der Halle bewegten, wo ich hoch oben unter der Decke einen metallisch wirkenden und etwa 400 bis 500 Meter durchmessenden und sicher an die 10 Meter dicken Wulst erkannte, der sofort hell aufgleisste, als die beiden Schiffe innerhalb desselben waren. Dann ging vom Wulst rundum ein gewaltiger Flächenblitz aus – und die beiden kleinen Raumschiffe begannen kurz zu flimmern, wurden durchsichtig und verschwanden einfach.
Das Ganze dauerte nicht mehr als gerade mal einen kurzen Augenblick. Das musste nun wohl ein Transfer der Schiffe ins Freie gewesen sein, dachte ich, was Asket sofort bestätigte. Mich interessierte dabei dann noch, ob denn von aussen nichts bemerkt werden koenne, wenn die Raumschiffe plötzlich wie aus dem Nichts erscheinen wuerden, und ob den bisher noch niemand den geheimen Eingang zu den Gängen gefunden habe. Die zweite Frage verneinte sie, und zur ersten war die Erklärung die, dass die Raumschiffe erst sehr hoch über der Erde in etwa vierzig Kilometer Höhe wieder rematerialisieren würden, folglich sie also von der Erde aus nicht beobachtet werden könnten.
Beim Zurückkehren dann würden sie in unsichtbarem Zustand ihr Ziel anfliegen und kurz über der Erde entmaterialisieren, wobei der von mir beobachtete Energiewulst eine wichtige Rolle spiele, dessen Kräfte aus der Halle heraus bis etwa 35 Meter ueber die Erdoberfläche reichten. Natürlich wollte ich dazu wissen, ob es denn für etwelche Menschen oder Tiere, die sich dann gerade im Bereiche der Wulstenergie auf der Erde aufhielten, nicht gefährlich sei. Dies jedoch sei nicht der Fall, erklärte Asket, und auch der Flächenblitz könne auf der Erdoberfläche nicht gesehen werden, denn dort wirke nur noch die reine Energie, und zwar auch nur für Objekte, die über bestimmte Apparaturen verfügen müssten, um die Transferenergien wirksam werden zu lassen.”
Pleiadian extraterrestrials stationed in the underground bases also attended to matters outside of Earth.
The Pleiadians had 3 bases on Earth, one in Switzerland, one on the American continent and the third in the Far East. Meier was also told by Semjase, in contact 45, June 1976 that at that time there were 7 other races who were stationed on Earth, having their own bases here, and who all were cooperating with the Pleiadians, because they were allies of their federation. However, that number did not include the non-allied Gizeth intelligences who at that time had a base underground in Egypt.
Quetzal was the commander of their underground base in Switzerland and Ptaah was in charge of all Pleiadians operating on Earth. In contact 167, 1982 their command lines and reporting structure are more outlined. No work related information was being exchanged between their bases and groups on Earth. Only contacts of personal nature were carried out between them and exchange of data and work related information never took place. Instead all data flow from the group Quetzal commanded and from the other Pleiadian groups went directly to a Central on planet Erra, where the data were evaluated for coordination purpose, whereupon relevant decisions were taken accordingly.
In the contact notes it is also frequently mentioned that the Pleiadians responsible to maintain contact with Billy often had to be away for longer periods of time to carry out tasks in other regions of space. One such incident is mentioned in contact 150 in 1981. Due to a major development in space, all the Pleiadian personnel stationed on Earth left, and the crew on their Earth bases were substituted with Lyrans, who were members of their federation.
All available forces were needed, because the population of a whole system, which comprised of 16 inhabited planets and three suns, had prepared a space traversal in warlike form, because their solar system was entering a stage of collapse. And what here should be noted in regards to this, is that as of 1981, when this contact was held and recorded by Meier, we had not found any planets outside of our solar system. The first exoplanet was found in 1995, but even then it was not considered possible that planets could exist in a tri-star solar system because, according to models of planetary formation, it should not exist.
That model was proven wrong in 2005 when the first planet was found orbiting in a tri-star system, meaning a solar system with three suns, exactly the type of solar system Meier was told in 1981 did exist, and whose inhabitants had become a treat to Earth and other planets within their reach as their solar system was entering a breakdown phase. This is from an article in GEOTIMES dated September 2005:
Planetary geology
Tristar planet
A planet with two, three or even four suns, while strange for us earthlings (except for in movies such as Star Wars), is not entirely unusual in the universe. More than half of all planets form with multiple stars. But a recent planet found in a triple-star system perplexes astronomers because, according to current models of planetary formation, it should not exist.
And this is the contact information Meier provided in Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 4 (2004) page 223 to 225. Contact 150 Saturday, 10. October 1981, 03.15h
The conversation goes as follows (my unofficial English translation above the German original)
Aha, And how about the following: Why have all stations been evacuated, and where have your people been removed ?
37. You have never before asked about such things.
I know, because I am not curious about these things either. For once it would however be interesting for us to know why such transfers of people take place with you, or is this a matter which is a secret?
38. It is not about such a matter.
39. I am just puzzled over your question, because you have until now kept away from such ones.
40. Not only from Earth did we have to withdraw all available forces, but also from many other worlds as well and also from Erra.
41. We need all available forces, because the population of a whole system, which comprise of 16 inhabited planets and three suns have prepared a space traversal in warlike form, because their system is going into collapse.
42. The destinations of these humans, still warrior like, are the inhabited planets in various star constellations, in which also the SUN-system is included, and thereby Earth.
43. These rather inhumane life forms are intent on killing the inhabitants on the respective planets by them selected and by doing so to gain own space to live..
44. Now on one side do our forces prevent that these life forms through a break out in space can realize their plans, on the other side however do another force of ours systematically resettle the inhabitants from the various endangered planets to uninhabited but good inhabitable areas, while another part of our forces are seeking new inhabitable and suitable planets, which the remaining part of these humans can be established and resettled.
Unbelievable, but however could not also the Lyrans and the Vegans assist with this?
45. We have also involved many of their forces for this task, another part of them take over the task on Earth at the end of this month as I already explained earlier.
I know you talked about it, that Menara’s father, her brother and sister along with 35 others are going to come here.
46. That is correct, however these 38 only represent the first wave who will take over our own stations and our tasks.
47. Our and both the other stations, America and Asia will be fully staffed with our allies.
Therefore of Vegans and Lyrians – and, are they all of different colour?
48. As you say, that they are chocolate brown.
End quote
German original:
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 4 (2004) page 223 to 225. Einhunderfünfzigster Kontakt Samstag, 10. Oktober 1981, 03.15h
Aha, und wie steht es nun damit: Warum sind alle Stationen geräumt worden, und wohin sind eure Leute abgezogen?
37. Du hast noch nie nach solchen Dingen gefragt.
Weiss ich, denn ich bin in diesen Dingen auch nicht neugierig. Es wäre nun für uns aber einmal interessant zu wissen, warum solche Verschiebungen von Menschen bei euch stattfinden, oder handelt es sich dabei um ein Geheimnis?
38. Es handelt sich um ein solches nicht.
39. Ich bin nur verwundert über deine Frage, weil du bisher von solchen ferngehalten hast.
40. Nicht nur von der Erde mussten wir alle verfügbaren Kräfte abziehen, sondern auch von vielen andern Welten und so auch von Erra.
41. Wir benötigen alle verfügbaren Kräfte, weil sich die Bevölkerung eines ganzen Systems, das 16 bewohnte Planeten und drei Sonnen umfasst, auf eine Raumtraversierung vorbereitet hat in kriegerischer Form, weil ihr System dem Untergang anheimfält.
42. Die Ziele dieser noch kriegsgewohnten Menschen sind die bewohnbaren Planeten verschiedenster Sternbilder, wobei auch das SOL-System miteinbezogen ist, und damit die Erde.
43. Diese recht unhumanen menschlichen Lebensformen sind gewillt, die Bewohner der betreffenden von ihnen auserwählten Planeten zu töten, um dadurch eigenen Lebensraum zu gewinnen.
44. Einerseits nun hindern unsere Kräfte diese Lebensformen daran, durch einen Ausbruch in den Raum ihre Pläne zu verwirklichen, andererseits aber siedeln weitere unserer Kräfte systematisch die Bevölkerungen der verschiedenen gefährdeten Planeten in unbewohnte jedoch gut bewohnbare Bereiche um, während ein weiterer Teil unserer Kräfte neue bewohnbare und geeignete Planeten sucht, auf denen die restlichen dieser Menschen angesiedelt und umgesiedelt werden können.
Sagenhaft, doch können euch die Lyraner und Weganer dabei nicht auch Hilfe leisten?
45. Wir haben auch viele Kräfte von ihnen einbezogen für diese Aufgabe; ein weiterer Teil von ihnen übernimmt Ende dieses Monats die Aufgaben auf der Erde, wie ich dir bereits früher erklärte.
Ich weiss, du sprachst davon, dass Menaras Vater, ihr Bruder und ihre Schwester nebst 35 anderen hierherkommen werden.
46. Das ist von Richtigkeit, doch stellen diese 38 Menschen nur die erste Welle dar, die unsere eigene Station und unsere Aufgaben übernehmen wird.
47. Unsere und die beiden andern Stationen, Amerika und Asien, werden voll besetzt mit unseren Verbündeten.
Also mit Weganern und Lyranern – und, sind sie alle andersfarbig?
48. Du sagst, dass sie schokoladebraun seien.
Ende Zitat
A planet found in a triple-star system in 2005 perplexed astronomers because, according to models of planetary formation then current, planets around solar systems with 3 suns should not exist. Well it did. The masses of the three stars in HD 188753 system range from two-thirds to about the same mass as our Sun. The planet is slightly more massive than Jupiter, at 1.14 times of its size. The tri-star system HD 188753 is located 149 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus.
The planet was discovered by the radial velocity technique, in which a planet's presence is inferred by the motion, or wobble, it causes in its parent star. However the radial velocity technique, used in finding this planet is limited because it will never be able to detect small, Earth-sized worlds according to ESA, because with the best spectroscopes, astronomers can confidently detect motions of about 15 metres per second. However, Earth only forces the Sun to move at 0.1 metres per second. Even if a spectroscope could be made to detect this, the boiling of the star's gaseous surface (the acoustical modes studied on the SUN by ESA’s SoHo and to be studied on stars with the COROT mission) would mask the effect of the planet. Source ESA
It means that if we travelled over to to this tristar system in Cygnus, 149 light years away, and tried with the same radial velocity technique to find the planets in our own solar system, what we could expect to find would be Saturn and Jupiter only. Earth and the other smaller planets would remain undetected, using this technique. The below is an artist’s interpretation viewed from a hypothetical moon in orbit around a planet that has three suns. Image credit NASA/JPL-Caltech.
The undersea base in the North Sea
The below contact information raises some question for which no answer are provided. The first question is the location of this base, which belonged to another group of extraterrestrials, but which the Pleiadians helped them construct. Why was the base built undersea, in the North Sea, instead of for example deep underground, like under the mountains in Switzerland, where the Pleiadians had one of their own bases?
A reason for that could be technological limitations. Not on the side of the Pleiadians, but on the side of the Haster inhabitants. They would not have been given technology transfer from the Pleiadians because according to the German contact notes, the directives of the Pleiadians and also the directives of other highly evolved races, such as the DAL’s etc., prohibit technology transfer to lesser developed races.
So even though planet HASTER’s evolution as a whole is here said to be 1120 ahead of Earths, they are still several thousand years below the evolutionary level to the Pleiadians. Which means it would be unlikely that the Pleiadians would have given them the advanced teleportation technology they themselves used for exit and re-entry to their own bases on Earth. That can also be seen in that the Pleiadians transported their scientific team over, from their galaxy to ours, in one of Pleiadians own space crafts.
In other words they were not given advanced hyper space technology so that they could build their own space crafts and travel here by themselves. This also indicates that the Pleiadians would have applied simpler technology when assisting them in building their base, underneath the North Sea. Technology of a type that would match their evolutionary level, so same or similar as being used on their own planet. This would also mean a simpler exit and re-entry mechanism.
Such an exit and re-entry mechanism in its simplest form could be a big sliding door on the surface, opening up and closing as the ship entered or left the base. But, even in a remote mountainous area, such an opening could quite easily be detected, either by satellites or planes, especially the moment when the craft was flying in or out.
Thus it could explain why the North Sea was chosen. It’s not too deep, the average depth is only 95 meter or 312 feet, but deep enough to offer good camouflage for the opening. It would be a lot harder to find it on the ocean floor. A lock system could be used, where the craft could move into a chamber on the ocean floor. Once inside, a sliding door would close above it to seal the chamber from the sea outside. The seawater could then be pumped out from the chamber to make it dry whereupon a lift could bring the craft down to the base beneath.
Since this base, or station as it is here called, was constructed in the depths of the North Sea, likely either on the bottom or just underneath it, it would indicate that their crafts can travel under water with ease. No information is given about the underwater capability of the crafts used by the extra-terrestrials from planet Haster. But as for the Pleiadian crafts, some information is given elsewhere in the German contact notes.
In contact 218 held 30.May 1987 Billy Meier is taken for an underwater trip on board Quetzal’s seven meter beam ship. Billy here describes how Quetzal flies inn from space and dives straight into the Atlantic Ocean. The craft then submerges and suddenly becomes like a sub marine. Meier is told by Quetzal that all the Pleiadian flight units, like the beam ship they are inside, are not only built to travel in a planet’s atmosphere and in space, but have also been built for travelling under water. Of technical information Quetzal mentions that there are no limits for how deep they can dive down due to the special Pressure-shield-umbrella (Druck-Schutz-Schirm) surrounding the craft.
Later, in contact 230 on the 11th of October 1989, the underwater trip comes up in the conversation and Billy then asks Quetzal about the light source. Quetzal explains that the light they use underwater is of a different nature. It is being emitted from all over the outer layer of the protective umbrella surrounding the ship. But it is of a frequency range not visible. So seen from outside of the ship it is dark. Inside the ship, the invisible rays, by the use of technology, are being converted to light in the visible range, and therefore everything outside can be viewed.
Thus, seen from inside of the craft, the impression is that a floodlight is being used to throw light on the ocean surrounding it. The advantage by using this kind of light is that goes through walls. So no windows are needed to see out. Only the technology to convert the invisible rays to visible light is necessary. Moreover, it gives the advantage that all life forms, which are being studied from inside the ship, are not being disturbed by any artificial light. Besides, It would also make it harder for anybody to make a visual observation of the extra-terrestrial craft from shore, from a boat, or from the air, when it dives and moves in a submerged state.
The issue of human vibrations or oscillations also come up in this contact. Since the humans from planet Haster are only about 1120 years ahead of us in their evolution as a whole, it is for them a lesser problem to mingle among Earth people than it is for the Pleiadians, since they are a lot further advanced in their development. Yet, the Haster inhabitants cannot stay more than 17 hours the in the direct range of the vibrations from Earth humans, otherwise they will also start to lose control over themselves.
So this appears to become an issue when a higher evolved race comes to Earth. Thus it is not a problem between people living on the same planet, since people’s vibrations or oscillations on the same planet are tolerable to each other, which is logical. But it becomes a problem between inhabited planets when the level of overall evolution is greatly different between them. The larger this evolutionary gap is, the greater this problem becomes according to this information. The German contact notes provide some further information about this issue, like contact 97 (1977)
My translation of the German original below
Reference: Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 3 (2004) p. 79 - Contact 97 dated 28. December 1977 20.08 o’clock
50. The reason that we cannot get in contact with you earth people in physical form lies in that:
51. The vibration levels between Earth humans and us are to such an extent entirely different and distinctive in the forms of the negatives and positives as well as in the well-balanced, that it could lead to serious consequences if they were to touch one another.
52. These human vibrations reach up to 90 meters as a rule, which is why we must ensure that this distance is not breached and that Earth humans therefore do not come within our reach, within this distance mark.
53. Our vibrations are highly sensitive, and just as highly sensitive do we react ourselves to vibrations which penetrate into our vibration field.
54. In contrast to people on Earth, we are on a very high level in our overall consciousness related development, namely about 20-35 million years ahead of Earth people, which is also why our entire vibration system has become refined.
55. So now, if the vibrations of the much less sensitive Earth humans were to hit us, and thereby also the Earth-human- natured vibrations, and thus the rather unbalanced and negative vibrations were to penetrate into our vibration field, then that would amount to a very strong vibration- structure-jolt, which it in truth also embodies, which by us would result in that the strong external influence would lead to an instantaneous uncontrollability of all reactions, thoughts and actions, which at the same time would trigger an uncontrolled feelings of anxiety.
56. This means that we as a result, if we are hit by the vibrations from an earth person, who unfortunately still to this day sends out very negative vibrations, would be affected with instantaneous speed and would start to act uncontrollably, which was also the case with Semjase, when she fell in the Center and suffered the severe injury.
57. As a rule, when we walk amongst Earth people, which very rarely is the case, we use a device which protects us from the earth-human vibrations.
German original
50. Die Begründung, dass wir uns nicht in physischer Form mit euch Erdenmenschen in Verbindung setzen können, ist die:
51. Die Schwingungsebenen zwischen dem Erdenmenschen und uns sind dermassen grundverschieden und ausgeprägt in den Formen des Negativen und Positiven sowie des Ausgeglichenen, dass dies zu schweren Folgen führen kann, wenn sie sich gegenseitig berührten.
52. In der Regel reichen diese Schwingungen des Menschen bis zu 90 Metern, weshalb darauf geachtet werden muss, dass dies Distanz nicht unterschrittet wird, dass also Erdenmenschen nicht unter diese Distanzmarke zu uns hingelangen.
53. Unsere Schwingungen sind sehr hochsensibel, und ebenso hochsensibel reagieren wir selbst auf Schwingungen, die in unseren Schwingungsbereich eindringen.
54. Im Gegensatz zu den Erdenmenschen stehen wir in unserer bewusstseinsmässigen Gesamtentwicklung sehr hoch, so nämlich dem Erdenmenschen um 20-35 Millionen Jahre voraus, weshalb sich auch unser gesamtes Schwingungssystem verfeinert hat.
55. So uns nun Schwingungen des sehr viel weniger sensiblen Erdenmenschen treffen würden, eben dadurch, dass erdenmenschliche und dadurch also auch recht unausgeglichene und negative Schwingungen in den Bereich unserer Schwingungen eindringen würden, dann käme dies einer sehr starken Schwingungsstrukturenschütterung gleich, was es in Wahrheit auch verkörpert, was zur Folge hätte, dass der starke Ausseneinfluss zu einer augenblicklichen Unkontrolliertheit sämtlicher Reaktionen, Gedanken und Handlungen bei uns führte, die zugleich unkontrollierte Angstgefühle auslösten.
56. Dies bedeutet, dass wir, wenn uns die Schwingungen eines Erdenmenschen treffen, der noch heute leider sehr negative Schwingungen aussendet, dadurch in vielerlei Belangen in momentaner Schnelligkeit beeinträchtigt würden und unkontrolliert zu handeln begännen, was auch bei Semjase der Fall war, als sie im Zentrum stürzte und sich die schwere Verletzung zuzog.
57. In der Regel benutzen wir, wenn wir unter die Erdenmenschen gehen, was aber nur äusserst selten der Fall ist, ein Gerät, das uns vor den erdenmenschlichen Schwingungen schützt.
Contact 141 (1981) and the information Semjase proved to Meier about the extra-terrestrial base built under the North Sea which became operational in November 1980:
My translation of the German original which is further below
Reference: Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 4 (2004) p. 149 - Contact 141 dated 3. January 1981 1.40 o’clock
81. Now we should let these things rest because I have another announcement for you:
82. For the past forty days, another station belonging to extra-terrestrial intelligence has been in place on Earth, set up by similar human life forms to us from the planet HASTER in the system GARON in the galaxy JENAM.
83. This galaxy is 483 million light years from Earth, whereby 413 different human races live in the whole galaxy, on the planets inhabitable there, what proportionally is very little for an entire galaxy.
84. We got in contact with the sophisticated inhabitants on planet Haster only a few years ago, who are to such an extent far advanced in their development as a whole, as Earth people will be in about 1120 years.
85. With a highly distinctive ethically way of life, the Haster inhabitants are very peace-loving and are characterised by love, and, moreover, they live in the same time plane as the SOL system, thus in the present time plane, as you would say, or call it.
86. Now, because the Haster inhabitants take an interest in life in the still inaccessible remote vastness of the universe, but cannot reach these areas yet with their technology, we have expanded our connections with them to such an extent that we have brought an expedition command from the Haster inhabitants over here in my father’s mother ship.
87. We also helped them with constructing their station, which was established in the depths of the North Sea, and from where they will extend their expedition type work all over the Earth.
88. Because their psychological, physical and consciousness related development has not yet progressed to such an extent as ours, we can only maintain physical contact with them with our oscillation neutralizer devices, as we must do with people on Earth as well, when this is now and then necessary.
89. But this also means that the Haster inhabitants can freely move among people on Earth because their vibrations still remain tolerable to those of Earth humans, but only for a short period of time.
90. The Haster inhabitants cannot stay more than 17 hours the in the direct range of the vibrations from Earth humans, otherwise they start to lose control over themselves.
91. However, because they have this 17 hours opportunity, they have decided that they will seek contact with one or more people on Earth for their study purposes and also to inform people on Earth, however, with no more as three persons for certain, who moreover must maintain silence about it, and in fact for the rest of their lives, which is why for these contacts, people of very high integrity should be selected, who can be fully trusted.
But not with me, as I really have got enough.
92. Certainly not. They will not do that.
93. You will therefore not become even more burdened by them.
Then it is good.
94. Certainly, but I must now get back to the station, and I will visit you again on the 3rd of February, if it is possible for me.
95. I will now only ask you to write down our conversation when I transmit it to you, because it should be regarded as another contact report - even though it should be that you no longer will continue this.
96. After all, our conversation topic also contains some useful facts that may be of interest to all people.
German original
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 4 (2004) p. 149 - Contact 141 dated 3. January 1981 1.40 o’clock
81. Nun Sollten wir diese Dinge aber auf sich beruhen lassen, denn ich habe dir noch eine Mitteilung zu machen:
82. Seit rund vierzig Tagen befindet sich eine weitere Station ausserirdischer Intelligenzen auf der Erde, erstellt von uns gleichenden menschlichen Lebensformen des Planeten HASTER im System GARON der Galaxie JENAM.
83. Diese Galaxie ist von der Erde 483 Millionen Lichtjahre entfernt, wobei auf den dort bewohnbaren Planeten der gesamten Galaxie 413 verschiedene Menschenrassen leben, was verhältnismässig gesehen für eine ganze Galaxie sehr wenig ist.
84. Erst vor wenigen Jahren traten wir mit den hochentwickelten Bewohnern des Planeten Haster in Verbindung, die in ihrer gesamten Entwicklung derart weit vorangeschritten sind, wie es die Erdenmenschen in ca. 1120 Jahren sein werden.
85. Mit ethisch sehr hoch ausgeprägten Lebensweisen sind die Haster-Bewohner sehr friedliebend und in Liebe geprägt, und zudem leben sie in der Zeitebene wie auch das SOL-system, so also in der Gegenwartsebene, wie dies von dir gesagt oder genannt würde.
86. Da sich die Haster-Bewohner nun für das leben in den ihnen noch unerreichbaren fernsten Weiten des Universums interessieren, jedoch mit ihrer Technik diese Räume noch nicht erreichen können, haben wir unsere Verbindungen mit ihnen derart erweitert, dass wir ein Expeditionskommando der Haster Bewohner in Vaters Grossraumer hierher gebracht haben.
87. Wir halfen ihnen auch beim Bau ihrer Station, die in den Tiefen der Nordsee angelegt wurde und von wo aus sie über die ganze Erde ihre expeditionelle Arbeit ausdehnen werden.
88. Da ihre psychische, physische und bewusstseinsmässige Entwicklung noch nicht in dem Masse vorangeschritten ist wie unsere, können wir nur mit unseren Schwingungs-Neutralisator-Geräten mit ihnen physischen Kontakt pflegen, wie wir es auch bei den Erdenmenschen tun müssen, wenn es hie und da erforderlich ist.
89. Das aber bedeutet nun, dass die Haster-Bewohner sich frei unter den Erdenmenschen bewegen können, weil sich ihre Schwingung noch mit derjenigen der Erdenmenschen erträglich erwies, jedoch auch nur kurzfristig.
90. Mehr als 17 Stunden können sich die Haster-Bewohner nicht im direkten Bereich der Schwingungen von Erdenmenschen aufhalten, ansonsten sie die Kontrolle über sich zu verlieren beginnen.
91. Da sie aber diese 17-Stunden-Möglichkeit haben, haben sie beschlossen, dass sie für ihre Studienzwecke und auch zur Belehrung der Erdenmenschen mit einem oder mehreren Menschen der Erde Kontakt suchen werden, jedoch mit Sicherheit mit nicht mehr als drei Personen, die zudem darüber Stillschweigen bewahren müssen und zwar auf Lebenszeit, weshalb für diese Kontakte ganz speziell integre Menschen ausgesucht werden sollen, denen vollumfänglich vertraut werden kann.
Aber nicht mit mir, denn ich habe wirklich genug.
92. Bestimmt nicht, das werden sie nicht tun.
93. Du wirst also nicht durch sie noch mehr belastet werden.
Dann ist es ja gut.
94. Sicher, doch nun muss ich wieder zurück zur Station, und – am 3. Februar werde ich dich abermals besuchen, wenn es mir möglich sein wird.
95. Ich bitte dich nun nur noch, unser Gespräch niederzuschreiben, wenn ich es dir übermittle, denn es soll als weiterer Kontaktbericht gelten – auch wenn es so sein sollte, dass du diese nicht mehr weiterführen solltest.
96. Es handelt sich bei unserem Gesprächsstoff ja auch um einiges Wissenswertes, das für alle Menschen von Interesse sein kann.
Ende Auszug
The average depth in the North Sea is only 95 meter or 312 feet.
Bases on the moon
The information which comes up in this contact seems logical in the sence that it would not be much use for an extraterrestrial race to build a base on Venus, or any other uninhabited planet in our solar system, where no higher form of life exist that can be studied. As Earth is the only inhabited planet in our solar system, the moon rather, due to its close proximity to Earth, would be better suited place for an extraterrestrial base from which life on Earth can be studied. This is the information provided in the German conact notes about bases on the Moon:
Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 7 (2005) p. 195 - Contact 246 dated 19th June 1993 23.17 o’clock
Another question: During the last 1000 years, have there been any extraterrestrial bases or stations on Venus or on Mars, or maybe on Mercury or any other planets in the SOL system, or perhaps on the Earthmoon?
151. No, not apart from on Earth and on the Earth moon.
And, did these stations belong to different extraterrestrials?
152. On Earth they all belonged to us, and without exception, while on Earth’s moon there were four (4) bases as well, which belonged to space faring people who in no way stood in contact with us, who, however, only maintained very sparse contacts with people on Earth but which in no way relates to the modern era.
German original
Auszug Kontakt 246 19 Juni 1993
Billy Eine andere Frage: Hat es während den letzten 1000 Jahren auf der Venus oder auf dem Mars irgendwelche Basen resp. Stationen von Ausserirdischen gegeben, oder vielleicht auf dem Merkur oder irgendwelchen anderen planeten des SOL-Systems, oder vielleicht auf dem Erdmond?
151. Ausser auf der Erde und auf dem Erdmond nicht, nein.
Billy Und, waren diese Stationen zugehörig zu verschiedenen Ausserirdischen?
152. Auf der Erde belangten sie alle und ohne Ausnahme zu uns, während auf dem Erdtrabanten auch vier (4) Basen waren, die zu raumfahrenden völkern belangten, die in keinerlei Verbindung zu uns standen, die jedoch nur sehr spärlich Kontakte pflegten zu Erdlingen, was sich aber in keiner Weise auf die Neuzeit bezieht.
Image of the Earth rising over the Moon from Apollo 8
Earth is about 240,000 miles away. Credit: NASA
The closure of Pleiadian Earth bases - 1995
In contact 251 dated 3rd of February 1995, Billy Meier is being informed by Ptaah that the Pleiadians have just closed down all their underground bases on Earth. Moreover, their bases no longer exist as they have been restored back to their original state, thus it is also not possible to find any traces of them.
This came as no surprise to Billy as he had already been informed by Sfath as well as Asked, and also Semjase and Quetzal that this would happen in the year 1995. Ptaah had also previously revealed this information to Billy, but told him to keep silent about it until after their bases had been vacated. Moreover, Billy adds he also knew the reason why they departed from their bases and asks Ptaah if he officially can reveal it. To which Ptaah then replies that the reason still had to remain a secret, thus under no circumstances should Billy talk about it. This is as far as Ptaah goes in giving an answer as to why they closed their bases .
Ref. Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 7 (2005) p. 321- Contact 251 dated 3rd of February 1995
7. About that, we are only permitted to go as far as to explain that our withdrawal from Earth relate to the coming times and for this reason the associated events, which we are not permitted to interfere with in any way whereby we must also protect and safeguard the secret of our culture and living spaces.
8. This is also due to the fact that for years things have been happening, which on one hand were foreseen and which on the other hand also is the reason for our retreat, whereby the relationship between these things, which have been taking place on Earth for several decades, was one of our task areas.
9. We have also fulfilled this task as well as all others which we applied ourselves to, whereby you have also played a very important role in regards to making the so-called UFO phenomenon, as people on Earth call it, worldwide known.
German original
Auszug Kontakt 251 3.Feb. 1995
7. Wir dürfen darüber nur so weit etwas erklären, dass unser Abzug von der Erde mit der kommenden Zeit und den damit verbundenen Geschehen zusammenhängt, in die wir uns in keiner Form einmischen dürfen und wodurch wir auch unser Geheimnis unserer Kultur und Lebensräume schützen und wahren müssen.
8. Dies hängt auch damit zusammen, dass sich seit Jahren Dinge tun, die einerseits vorausgesehen wurden, und die andererseits auch eine Veranlassung für unseren Rückzug sind, wobei der Zusammenhang dieser sich seit mehreren Jahrzehnten tuenden Dinge auf der Erde einer unserer Aufgabenbereiche war.
9. Auch diese Aufgabe sowie alle anderen, die uns oblagen, haben wir erfüllt, wobei auch du eine sehr wichtige Rolle gespielt hast in bezug auf das weltweite Bekanntmachen des sogenannten UFO-phänomens, wie dies die Erdenmenschen nennen.
This is what Billy Meier wrote in the book book “Aus den Tiefen des Weltenraums…Kontakte mit den Plejadiern/Plejaren”(1997)– Page 185
What is the current situation?
From the point of view of 1996 the following has arisen regarding the contacts between the Pleiadians/Plejarens and me: During the night of the 2nd to the 3rd of February 1995, the people from Erra withdrew from Earth to return to their home planet in their dimension. The withdrawal also ended the official contacts on the 3rd and the 14th of February 1995, after the Earth stations to the Extraterrestrials were completely disintegrated and the places where they were located for about 200 years, were restored to their original state, whereby nothing today points to their former existence.
But this does not mean that the strictly private and friendly contacts between me and the extra-terrestrials have also stopped, because these will still continue throughout the rest of my remaining life, and there can still be fully official contact conversations made, now and then, which may become published. And, although no stations of Pleiadian-Plejaran Extraterrestrial origin any longer exist on Earth, then this does not mean that they no longer will continue to monitor Earth. In fact, two manned and various unmanned flight units are still orbiting Earth, day and night, in order to make their observations and relay them.
German Original
Was ist der heutige Stand?
Aus der Sicht des Jahres 1996 hat sich in bezug auf die Kontakte zwischen den Plejadiern/Plejaren und mir folgendes ergeben: In der Nacht vom 2. auf den 3. Februar 1995 zogen sich die Erraner von der Erde züruck, um auf ihre Heimatplaneten in ihrer Dimension zurückzukehren. Mit dem Abzug endeten am 3. und 14. Februar für das Jahr 1995 auch die offiziellen Kontakte, nachdem die irdischen Stationen der Ausserirdischen gesamthaft aufgelöst und die Orte, wo sie sich während rund 200 Jahren befanden, in den Urzustand zurückversetzt wurden, wodurch heute nichts mehr auf deren ehemalige Existenz hinweist.
Das aber bedeutet nicht, dass die rein privaten und freundschaftlichen Kontakte zwischen mir und den Ausserirdischen ebenfalls beendet worden wären, denn dies werden während meines gesamten restlichen Lebens noch weiterbestehen, wobei es hie und da noch ganz offizielle Kontaktgespräche geben kann, die veröffentlich werden dürfen. Und auch wenn keine irdischen Stationen der Extraterrestrier plejadisch-plejarischen Ursprungs mehr existieren, so bedeutet das nicht, dass diese die Erde nicht auch weiterhin beobachten würden. Tatsächlich nämlich kreisen weiterhin zwei bemannte und diverse unbemannte Flugeinheiten Tag und Nacht um die Erde, um ihre Beobachtungen zu machen und weiterzumelden.