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Energy Shields



By Kåre Bergheim

April 3rd 2012


This is one of several photos Wendelle Stevens took to a professional American Lab for pixel analysis. The beam ship is here enlarged for testing....


...a field showed up, marked in green.


Performancing Metrics


The mysterious field around the beam ship, or “object” being the definition used by the technician, appeared on several of Meier’s photos when pixel tested in the lab. But it may not be just one type of field such a beam ship is surrounded with according to Billy Meier. It is able to create several types of fields depending on purpose and situation. Some of the information Billy Meier has given about this over the years has also been supported by photographic evidence and witness statements. Here some related to:

  • Energy shields when landed
  • Energy shield in flight
  • View protective shield
  • Energy burning


Protective shields when landed.

Outer screen – radius 500 meter

When landed, the beam ships (UFO's) belonging to the extraterrestrials would, as a rule is shielded behind two protective screens. The outer protective screen would be located in a radius of 500 m from the ship. This screen is constructed with a steering function, acting as an invisible detour sign. This means if an uninvited life form, either deliberately or accidentally, tries to come close, then this invisible and non-noticeable protective screen will act in such a way that it will lead the life form astray, in a circle around and away from the beam ship.

Inner screen – radius 100 meter

The second protective screen is further in, located closer to the ship, only 100 m from it. This screen is constructed to have a repelling function. It works according to the principle that two magnetic fields of same polarity repel each other. But this protective screen is built  to such a strength that even the most powerful attempt to use force,  in order to break through it,  will not succeed. Firing at it with antitank weapons like a RPG-7 or stronger will be ineffective. It will not get through. All types of missiles or projectiles are incapable. Billy writes that if a shell was fired at it from a tank, the projectile would only go as far as the maximum penetration range would allow it. That would be a maximum of 30 meters into the screen before being repelled. It would then simply be hurled back.

Reference: Stimme der WASSERMANZEIT. WISSENWERTES aus Grenz- und Geisteswissenschaften und Ufologiestudien Nr. 1 September 1976


Energy shields when in flight

It matters not what type of energy hits it. The energy shield will automatically soak up all type of energy and convert it to usable energy. That is, any type of external energy which strikes it will immediately be transformed to energy in own shield. The effect being; The more energy hits the shield, the stronger it becomes.

Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte, Gesprächte, Block 7 printed Augsburg 2005  page 487 and 488  Contact 260 held on the 3rd of February 1998  - My translation above . German original underneath.


However, let’s leave this, because I still have several questions which are more important. Here, for example: The protective shields of spaceships. – As you know, science fiction films are being aired practically all over the world by all TV stations – also in cinemas are they being screened and of course as a rule are always the extraterrestrials the evil ones who kill people on Earth and destroy it or want to conquer it for themselves and colonise it what of course is sheer nonsense.

Now in these films, on a regular basis,  it is shown that the energy protective shield of the spaceships in each case suffer a percentage wise loss in strength and protective function when any type of energy hits them. These other, foreign energies are as a rule naturally those fired or radiated from enemy ray weapons from hostile objects.

 Now the question to this is, to what extent such an energy protective shield can be rebuilt in proper time, so that a complete protection again is given. Such protective shields exist indeed, as I know from you, consequently what is being displayed in the movies does not simply correspond to a unattainable imagination. And as you once explained to me so do our Earth scientists also work on such protective shields, although everything still falls under secrecy.


142 Whereby the success in this respect may already be seen – were it not for that this is secret projects.

143. Your question however I can answer as follows:

144. It always depends on which energies are being utilized in a protective shield,  in what quantity they are applied  and how they can be applied.

145. As is very well known to you, energies are simply just not energies, this must really not be explained further in detail, consequently what only can be said is that as a rule different technologies of applying protective shields also show different forms of energy, out from which energy shield can be created.

146. The shields itself can be also be very different, thus it can protect a spaceship or a similar flight unit only sectors-wise or even completely.

147. With that said it should be explained that a spaceship, or other aircraft, a human, a robot or android or anything else of choice which can be shielded with one single full-extensive shield or with one which consist of several divisions or sectors.

148. A full-extensive shield disposes of a main and a reserve energy source, whilst a part  or sector shield has a main and reserve energy source for each individual sector, consequently each of the individual sectors are independent of each other.


And which type of energy shield is used by you ?


149. We solely use full protective shields, and indeed for spaceships and other aircraft as well as for humans and all things which in this way must be shielded.

150. Nevertheless, our energy shields do not work in the way which is portrayed in your science fiction films where it is shown that the shields are even weakened when external energy  from ray weapons or from cosmic energy fields or energy shocks strike the shields whereby these becomes weakened in their capacity, respective performance.

151. This form of shield development only corresponds to a beginning, and we have left this phase behind us as far back as thousands of years ago.

152. Already more than 40,000 years ago was our technology in this respect, to such an extent highly developed, that the shields could be perfected and put into use and the shields were in such a way constructed that any type of energy which hit them were converted to shield usable something which has remained as such until this day.

153. By being hit by foreign energy of every kind, what of course also includes shield-compliant energy,  do  the shields therefore neither become weakened nor destroyed, but they immediately and without time delay convert the energy which hit them into own energy and strengthen thus the power of their own shield.

154. In other words:

155. There occurs without time delay an energy transformation of the shield energy, by which these accumulates every new incoming energy batch in any form, from ray weapons or cosmic energy.

156. This means that the more energy hits the shields, the stronger they become.


Whereby it then makes no difference which form of energy hits the shield because it automatically converts all kind of energy which strikes it for own use.


157. Yes, that’s what I explained.


German original

Billy Doch lassen wir das, denn ich habe noch etliche Fragen, die wichtiger sind . Hier z.B.: Schutzschilde der Raumschiffe. – Wie du ja weisst, werden praktisch rund um die Welt von allen TV-Stationen Science-fiction-Filme ausgestrahlt – auch in den Kinos werden solche vorgeführt, wobei natürlich in der Regel immer die Ausserirdischen die Bösen sind, die die Erdenmenschen umbringen und die Erde zerstören oder diese für sich erobern und besiedeln wollen, was natürlich blanker Unsinn ist. In diesen Filmen wird nun regelmässig dargestellt, dass die Energie-Schutzschilde der Raumschiffe jeweils prozentmässig an Kraft und Schutzfunktion einbüssen, wenn Energien irgendwelcher Art auf diese treffen. Diese anderen, fremden Energien sind in der Regel natürlich solche, die aus feindlichen Strahlenwaffen von Feindobjekten abgeschossen resp. abgestrahlt werden. Die Frage dazu ist nun die, inwieweit ein solcher Energieschutzschild in massgebender Zeit wieder aufgebaut werden kann, damit wieder ein vollumfänglicher Schutz gegeben ist. Solche Schutzschirme gibt es ja tatsächlich, wie ich von euch Weiss, folglich das in den Filmen Dargestellte nicht einfach einer unerfüllbaren Phantasie entspricht. Und wie du mir einmal erklärtest, arbeiten ja auch unsere irdischen Wissenschaftler an solchen Schutzschirmen, auch wenn alles noch unter Geheimhaltung fällt.


142. Wobei sich die diesbezüglichen Erfolge bereits sehen lassen dürfen – wenn es sich eben nicht um Geheimprojekte handelte.

143. Deine frage aber kann ich folgendermassen beantworten:

144. Es kommt immer darauf an, welche Energien für einen Schutzschild Verwendung finden, in welchem Masse sie Anwendung finden und wie sie zur Anwendung gebracht werden können.

145. Wie dir ja sehr wohl bekannt ist, sind Energien nicht einfach Energien, das muss ja wirklich nicht speziell im einzelnen erklärt werden, folglich nur zu sagen ist, dass in der Regel verschiedene Techniken der Schutzschildnutzung auch verschiedene Energieformen aufweisen, aus denen Energie-Schutzschilde eben erzeugt werden können.

146. Die Schutzschilde selbst können auch sehr unterschiedlich sein, so im einen, dass sie ein Raumschiff oder ein sonstiges Fluggerät usw. Nur sektorenweise oder eben vollumfänglich schützen.

147. Damit soll erklärt sein, dass ein Raumschiff, ein sonstiges Fluggerät, ein Mensch, ein Roboter oder Android oder sonst etwas Beliebiges mit einem einzigen vollumfänglichen Schutzschild geschützt werden kann oder mit einem, der aus mehreren Teilen resp. Sektoren besteht.

148. Ein vollumfänglicher Schutzschild verfügt über eine Haupt- und eine Reserve-Energie-Quelle, w ährend ein Teil- resp. Sektoren- Schutzschild für jeden Sektor eine eigene Haupt- und Reserve-Energie-Quelle hat, folglich die einzelnen Sektoren untereinander unabhängig sind.


Und, welche Form von Energie-Schutzschild findet bei euch Verwendung?


149. Wir benutzen ausschliesslich ganzheitliche Schutzschilde, und zwar sowohl für die Raumschiffe und sonstigen Fluggeräte wie auch für die Menschen und alle Dinge, die in dieser Form geschützt werden müssen.

150. Unsere Energie-Schutzschilde arbeiten jedoch nicht in der Art, wie in euren Science-fiction-Filmen dargestellt wird, dass die Schutzschilde eben geschwächt werden, wenn Fremdenergien von Strahlenwaffen oder von kosmischen Energiefeldern resp. Energiestössen auf die Schilde auftreffen, wodurch diese in ihrer Kapazität resp. Leistung geschwächt werden.

151. Diese form der Schutzschild-Entwicklung entspricht nur einer anfänglichen, und diese Phase haben wir schon vor Jahrtausenden hinter uns gelassen.

152. Schon vor mehr als 40 000 Jahren erfuhr unsere diesbezügliche Technik eine derart hohe Entwicklung, dass die Schutzschilde perfektioniert und in Gebrauch gesetzt werden konnten, wobei die Schilde derart konstruiert wurden, dass jegliche Art von Energien, die auf sie trafen, schildnutzbar umgewandelt wurden, was sich bis heute so erhalten hat.

153. Durch das Auftreffen von Fremdenergien jeder Art, wozu natürlich auch schutzschildkonforme Energien zählen, werden die Schutzschilde also weder geschwächt noch zerstört, sondern sie wandeln die auftreffende Energie sofort und ohne Zeitverlust in Eigenenergie um und verstärken so die Kraft des eigenen Schildes.

154. Anders gesagt:

155. Es erfolgt ohne Zeitverlust eine Energieumformung auf die Schutzschildenergie, wodurch diese mit jedem neu hinzukommenden Energieschub in irgendeiner Form von Strahlenwaffen oder kosmischer Energie kumuliert wird.

156. Das bedeutet, dass je mehr Energie auf die Schutzschilde trifft, diese desto stärker werden.

Billy Wobei es also egal ist, welche Energieform  den Schutzschild trifft, weil dieser automatisch alle auf ihn auftreffende Energie jeglicher Art umwandelt und für sich nutzbar macht.


157. Ja, das erklärte ich.


Left Ptaah. Self portrait 15.5.2000. 


From one witness account:

Ref Zeugenbuch (2001) page 227 - Kurze Begegnung mit Ptaah


Short encounter with Ptaah

“It was yesterday, on Billys birthday 3rd February 1979, when I, Kalliope Meier, towards 2.30 PM came from the kitchen and stepped into our sitting room because I wanted to get something there. The door opened and I took the first step into the room when I stopped frightened because at the rear living room exit door stood a big male figure dressed in a strange grey outfit. A type of overall which in the neck featured a large round opening which obviously served for a helmet but which the man did not wear. Around the belt were mounted some strange things.


Himself obviously startled, the bearded man looked at me for several seconds, then took a step backwards and reached with his left hand for a small device on his belt whereupon he simply, within a split second, disintegrated into nothing. He disappeared simply without a trace, in fact without noise. Still startled standing there, wild thoughts shot through my head, before it became clear to me that the man at whom I had been staring at for about 15 seconds, could have been no one else  but Ptaah – the extra-terrestrial friend of Billy. Billy’s description of this man fitted at least very precisely to the figure in the living room.


And that it really was Ptaah, verified he to Billy, still on the same day, at 2.46 PM, thus about 15 minutes after the incident, did contact 119 take place, whereby as Billy explained, Ptaah told him that he had looked for him in the sitting room and in the bedroom, where in fact Billy still was minutes earlier, before Ptaah appeared, however he then went out through the bedroom-corridor exit door in order to go to the garage where he did something. After that, the contact place took place. "


German original

Kurze Begegnung mit Ptaah

“Es war gestern, Billys Geburtstag, der 3. Februar 1979, als ich, Kalliope Meier, gegen 14.30 Uhr von der Küche her kommend in unsere Wohnstube trat, weil ich dort etwas holen wollte. Die Tür öffnend, machte ich den ersten Schritt in den Raum, als ich erschreckt stehen blieb, den am hinteren Wohnraumausgang stand eine grosse männliche Gestalt, die in einen seltsamen grauen Anzug gekleidet war. Eine Art Overall, der am Hals eine grosse, runde Öffnung aufwies, die offenbar für einen Helm diente, den der Mann jedoch nicht trug. Rund um den Gürtel waren einige fremdartige Dinge angebracht.


Offenbar selbst erschrocken, sah mich der bärtige Mann sekundenlang an, machte dann einen Schritt rückwärts und griff mit seiner linken Hand an ein kleines Gerät an seinem Gürtel, worauf er sich einfach von einem Sekundenbruchteil zum andern in nichts auflöste. Er verschwand einfach spurlos, und zwar ohne Geräusch. Noch immer erschrocken dastehend, schossen mir wilde Gedanken durch den Kopf, ehe es mir klar wurde, dass der Mann, den ich etwa 15 Sekunden angestarrt hatte, niemand anderes als Ptaah gewesen sein konnte – der ausserirdische Freund von Billy.


Billys Beschreibung von diesem Mann passte jedenfalls sehr genau zur Erscheinung im Wohnraum. Und dass es tatsächlich Ptaah gewesen war, bestätigte er gegenüber Billy noch am gleichen Tag, den um 14.46 Uhr, also etwa 15 Minuten nach dem Vorfall, fand der 119. Kontakt statt, wobei, wie Billy erklärte, Ptaah ihm sagte, dass er ihn in den Wohnstube und im Schlafzimmer gesucht hätte, wo Billy Minuten zuvor, ehe Ptaah in Erscheinung trat, tatsächlich noch war, jedoch dann zur Schlafzimmer-Gang-Aussentür hinausging, um zur Garage zu gehen, wo er etwas erledigte. Danach fand dann der Kontakt statt” 

<Popi> Kalliope Meier-Zafiriou, Schweiz 3.Februar 1979  Seite 227 Kurze Begegnung mit Ptaah Zeugenbuch (2001)  Zu Erlebnissen mit <Billy> Eduard Albert Meier, seinen Fähigkeiten und Kontakten mit Menschen der Plejaren und ihrer Föderation 1959-2001


View protective shield

By using a light and ray breaking technology their ships becomes invisible. They create a cloaking screen around them, which as a rule is always used when flying in our atmosphere. But not only the Plejaran extraterrestrials and their federation members do this. Other extraterrestrial races, not in contact with them, but visiting our planet use this technology as well. This according to information passed on to Billy Meier in the contact notes. In one instance it came up when Billy Meier enquired about a photo taken near the Center by a passive group member. He was told a mysterious discus shaped cloud formation was  a  Plejaran beam ship partly cloaked taken the split second it was partly visible due to a frequency change of its shield. Their craft that day was surveilling  another craft,  not belonging to them,  using a cloaking screen as well but one which was  less advanced than theirs so they were able to surveil them.  For us, both crafts would appear invisible.

It is here claimed visible light can be manipulated by technology. Light after all, is only one part of the electromagnetic spectrum – definition:

The electromagnetic spectrum:

The "electromagnetic spectrum" is simply a phrase used to describe electromagnetic radiation of all wavelengths. This includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x rays, gamma rays, and other electromagnetic radiation of longer and shorter wavelengths. Note that the names given to various portions of the spectrum are simply arbitrary labels imposed by humans; there is no definite wavelength where "radio waves" cease to be radio waves and suddenly become "microwaves". Rather, the various portions of the spectrum blend into one another and waves in between radio waves and microwaves interact with matter in a manner in between radio waves and microwaves. It is important to remember that there is no fundamental difference between any portion of the electromagnetic spectrum other than wavelength (and its dependent properties, frequency and energy). A radio wave is electromagnetic radiation of a long wavelength, and x rays are electromagnetic radiation of a shorter wavelength, but they are both electromagnetic radiation and their behaviour is governed by the same laws. Source


Left Not a cloud, but a discus shaped formation with a metallic core according to an analysis of the photo. A semi cloaked Plejaran beam ship according to Billy Meier. Photo taken by Bernhard Kellner Germany just above Schmidrüti, near Semjase Silver Star Center on May 9th 1998. From left to right: Philip Mc Ainey (Canada), Rita Keoughan (Canada) and Klaus Wenz (Germany).


Left Copy of an enlargement of the original picture which was made in a photo lab in Canada by a friend of Rita Keoughan. 


The statement

A photocopy of a one A4 page statement related to above photo is printed in Block 8 page 70. It is written and signed Philip Mc Ainey, Kanada. He writes the photo was taken on Saturday the 9th of May 1998, during the lunch break of the yearly passive member meeting. The time was 1300 when Rita Keoughan and he were walking on the road above Semjase-Silver-Star-Center. They were both passive members from Canada. Rita then said they should take a photo. They met another passive group member, Klaus Wenz from Germany walking on the road direction Hamberg-Sitzberg so they asked him to hold the camera belonging to Rita and take a photo of Rita and himself. Philip then gave Klaus his camera and so he took another photo with that camera as well. As this took place a fourth passive group member came walking by named Bernhard Kellner, another German. Rita called him over and asked him to take a photo of the three of them. Bernhard Kellner then took the photo of Klaus, Rita and Philip. This became the photo where the beam ship appeared in the background. Here are three main points Philip states:

- Back in Canada Rita emailed him her photo where Philip immediately noted the strange ‘cloud’ in the background. He then compared her photo with his own, the photo taken by his own camera with only 30 seconds difference. On his photo, in the same location, there was no ‘cloud’ to be seen which he found strange and told Rita.

- When Rita heard this she said one of her friends could analyse her photo to find out what the mysterious ‘cloud’ was.  Two weeks later Rita emailed him the result of the analysis. It could not have been a cloud she wrote because the centre of the discus shaped formation it was clearly metallic.

- The photo was then sent to Klaus Wenz, Germany. He forwarded it to Billy Meier who stated it was a Plejaran beamship. (See copy of contact notes below).


The contact notes

Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte, Gespräche, Block 8 printed Augsburg 2005 Page 69 Contact 272 held on the 16th of May  1999 page 68 and 69


Thank you, - Okay, it was on the 8th of May, thus on the Passive member's Annual General Meeting evening, when Klaus Wenz, a passive member from Germany, showed me a photo and various enlargements of it. In the picture were himself, together with the passive members Philip McAiney and Rita Keoughan from Canada to be seen – photographed by the German passive member Bernhard Kellner.

Now, on the photo which was taken up above of Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, was in the sky, in the background above a spruce pennant, something like a small grey-black little cloud to be seen, which one at first sight could not define as anything in particular. Only the enlargement of the <little cloud> proved something interesting, and in fact an object became visible, which for me definitely showed a beam ship of your design.

The photo was taken on the 9th May, 1998, around 13.00 h, at lunch time at the Passive member's Annual General Meeting last year. Now to that is my question: Is it possible that some of you at the time cruised around in the Centre surroundings and deliberately or unintentionally was captured on the film? Do you know something about that or can you inquire about it?


50. About that, I am able to remember very well, because Florena and I were at that point in time on the move in your airspace because we observed foreign aircrafts which also were active flying around in your immediate and wider airspace.

51. Like us, they were shielded from any view for people on Earth and consequently could neither these strangers nor we be observed.

52. Our advanced technology also allowed us to remain invisible for the strangers as well, consequently they had no clue about our presence.

53. When now nevertheless, our aircraft is seen in the  picture you mentioned, then this could be only be captured  on the film during a tiny fraction of a second, and in fact at a moment when the safety automatic changed the frequency of the view protective shield.

54. A procedure which can become necessary when foreign objects, for which one wants to remain invisible, enters in a too close range.

55. Is the aircraft for a tiny fraction of a second visible,  during such a procedure, then this happens only on the side facing away from the foreign aircraft,  which guarantees that our aircraft cannot be seen and not be located.

56. Now however, If our aircraft was photographed by the person you mentioned, then this corresponds to a nearly unbelievable luck and a coincidence which happens only once in a million of similar cases when the view shield-switch automatic is delayed for a split second.


German original 


Danke, - Gut, es war am 8. Mai, also am Passiv-GV-Abend, als mir Klaus Wenz, ein Passiv-Mitglied aus Deutschland, ein Photo und verschiedene Vergrößerungen davon zeigte. Auf dem Bild waren er selbst nebst den Passiv Mitgliedern Philip McAiney und Rita Keoughan aus Kanada zu sehen – photographiert vom deutschen Passiv Mitglied Bernhard Kellner. Nun, auf dem Photo, das oberhalb des Semjase-Silver-Star-Centers aufgenommen wurde, war am Himmel im Hintergrund über einem Fichtenwimpel etwas wie ein kleines grau-schwarzes Wölkchen zue sehen, das man auf den ersten Blick nicht als etwas Bestimmtes definieren konnte. Erst die Vergrösserungen des <Wölkchen> ergaben etwas interessantes, und zwar wurde ein Objekt sichtbar, das für mich eindeutig ein Strahlschiff eurer Bauart darstellte. Das Photo wurde am 9. Mai 1998, um 13.00 h aufgenommen, zur Mittagszeit bei der letzjährigen Passiv- General-Versammlung. Dazu nun meine Frage: Ist es möglich, dass jemand von euch zu jener Zeit in der Center-Umgebung herumkurvte und sich willentlich oder unwillentlich auf den Film bannen liess? Weisst du etwas darüber oder kannst du dich danach erkundigen?


50. Daran vermag ich mich sehr gut zu erinnern, denn Florena und ich waren zu jenem Zeitpunkt in eurem Luftraum unterwegs, weil wir fremde Fluggeräte beobachten, die ebenfalls in eurem näheren und weiteren Luftraum umherfliegende tätig waren.

51. Wie wir selbst, waren sie gegen jede Sicht für Menschen von der Erde abgeschirmt, folglich weder diese Fremden noch wir selbst beobachtet werden konnten.

52. Unsere weitentwickelte Technik erlaubte es uns auch, dass wir auch für die Fremden unsichtbar blieben, folglich diese keine Ahnung von unserer Gegenwart hatten.

53. Wenn nun aber trotzdem auf dem von dir genannten Bild unser Fluggerät zu sehen ist, dann konnte dies nur während eines winzigen Sekundenbruchteils auf den Film gebannt werden, und zwar in einem Moment, als die Sicherheitsautomatik die Frequenz des Sichtschutz-Schildes veränderte.

54. Ein vorgang, der nötig werden kann, wenn fremde Objekte, für die man unsichtbar und unortbar bleiben will, in einen zu nahen Bereich geraten.

55. Wird bei einem solchen Vorgang das Fluggerät für einen winzigen Sekundenbruchteil sichtbar, dann geschieht dies  jedoch nur auf der dem fremden Objekt abgewandten Seite, was gewährleistet, dass unser Fluggerät nicht gesehen und nicht geortet werden kann.

56. Wurde unser Fluggerät nun aber von der von dir genannten Person photographiert, dann entspricht das einem beinahe unglaublichen Glück und einer Fügung, die unter Millionen von ähnlichen Fällen nur einmal in Erscheinung tritt, wenn die Sichtschutz-Schaltautomatik sich für eienen Sekundenbruchteil verzögert.



Energy burning

We know that the atmosphere has electrons and enery. We have seen a thunderstorm produce lightening bolts,  measured well in excess of 250 000 Ampere. But electrical energy burning is a phenomenon unknown to us. In this process energy is first accumulated by extracting electricity from the atmosphere around. Next the accumulated energy is eliminated through a special burn process which produces a drizzle of sparkles, falling down like rain.


Contact notes.  Definiton

Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte, Gespräche, block 2 printed Augsburg in 2003 page 102 and 103 Contact 48 held on the 14th of March 00.04 o'clock (Midnight)


Besides, unfortunately also today I had to be brought over here by car, because yesterday the gas cable in my vehicle was torn. My colleague Jacobus has brought me here, and now he waits all alone out on a limb about two kilometres from here.


5. This is very friendly of him, he is rather helpful.

6. Recommend him my thanks.

7. Attending to my efforts should not be in vain for him.

8. When I depart, I will render him my thanks in the way that he can see my beam ship.

9. In addition, I will give him a small demonstration, by undertaking an electric energy-elimination which he can observe very well.

10. It involves that I bring about an energy concentration with electricity to be sucked from the atmosphere which I then totally eliminate through a burn process.

11. However, he must be a little bit patient because I may not do it under a height of 2,500 meters since the burning energy falls to earth and is very hot.

12. So that he can observe everything properly, I will climb very slowly.



2. He should also be able to see my ship, when I fly away.

3. Now, however, to other things: ….


German original


Leider, ausserdem musste ich heute auch mit einem Auto hierher gebracht werden, denn  gestern ist mir an meinem Vehikel das Gaskabel gerissen. Mein Kollege Jacobus hat mich hergebracht, und jetzt wartet er mutterseelenallein auf weiter Flur etwa zwei Kilometer von hier.


5. Das ist sehr freundlich von ihm, er ist recht hilfsbereit.

6. Empfehle ihm meinem Dank.

7. Er soll meine Mühe nicht umsonst gemacht haben.

8. Wenn ich weggehe, werde ich ihm meinen Dank erweisen dadurch, dass er mein Strahlschiff sehen kann.

9. Ausserdem werde ich ihm eine kleine Demonstration geben, indem ich eine elektrische Energi-Eliminierung vornehme, die er sehr gut beobachten kann.

10. Es handelt sich dabei darum, dass ich eine energieballung zustande bringe mit aus der Atmosphäre anzusaugender Elektrizität, die ich dann durch einen Verbrennungsprozess total eliminiere.

11. Er muss sich allerdings etwas gedulden, denn unter einer Höhe von 2500 Metern darf ich das nicht tun, weil die verbrennende Energie zur Erde fällt und sehr heiss ist.

12. Damit er alles genau beobachten kann, werde ich sehr langsam hochsteigen.


2. Er soll auch mein Schiff sehen dürfen, wenn ich wegfliege.

3. Nun aber zu anderen Dingen:…..


Left It was here at Bäretswil bei Bettswil in Zürcher Oberland that Jakob Bertchinger was waiting by his car just past midnight on the 14h of March 1976 when he witnessed the demonstration.


Left Electric Energy elimination as witnessed by Jakob Bertchinger


".... The night was still rather cold something which made the waiting not exactly pleasant, because I stood in the open and observed the immediate and more distant surroundings.

The time did not stand still and thus it became 00.40 h, as I suddenly saw in northerly direction above the fir treetops a dark yellow-coloured light which was stationary and which came out of nowhere. My first thought was that it could be a house in which the light simply had been switched on.

However, this suddenly seemed a little bit strange to me, because above the fir treetops and in addition to that, in the middle of the forest there could be no house. This prompted me to monitor the light more closely. It was still simply stationary and immobile, however it then indiscernibly began slowly to move and roamed slowly away above the fir treetops . It then went quicker and quicker and rose higher.

Seen from my viewpoint and according to my estimate I observed it so long as until it had risen to a height of approx. 200 to 300 meter , whereby it slowly changed its dark yellow colour to a deep dark red. In the aforesaid height, the light stood still for a few moments, next it started moving in the same manner, with an exact course towards me. This happened with sudden great speed whereby the approaching light increasingly grew in size and at the same time again changed it's colour, this time to a milky white.

The ball of light then all of a sudden again stood still, while I awaited the things which probably now had to come. It should also here be mentioned that the light object during its flight climbed unstoppably upwards and was now located in about 2000 to 3,000 meter height. Underneath the light ball started now suddenly a true spark rain to come down – like with a gigantic fireworks display – probably around 150 to 200 meter in length.

This phenomenon was coupled with very strong noise, just as when two non isolated electric high voltage cables for a longer period are touching each other. Following this a clear bang could be heard. Then everything started to develop in reverse, exactly like it just had begun. The ball of light went again away, rose higher and floated quietly from there northward to shortly after immerse into a high hanging cloud and disappear. ....."

Eye witness Jakob Bertschinger, part of statement he signed Pfäffikon, 20th April, 1976

German original

"....Die Nacht war noch recht kalt, was das Warten nicht gerade angenehm machte, denn ich stand im Freien und beobachtete die nähere und weitere Umgebung. Die Zeit stand nicht still und so wurde es 00.40 h, da erblickte ich plötzlich in nördlicher Richtung über den Tannenwipfeln ein dunkelgelbfarbenes Licht, das stationär war und wie aus dem Nichts auftauchte. Mein erster gedanke war, dass es sich dabei um ein Haus handeln könnte in dem einfach Licht eingeschaltet worden war. Dies aber erschien mir plötzlich etwas seltsam, denn über den Tannenwipfeln und dazu noch mitten im Wald konnte sich doch kein Haus befinden. Dies regte mich an, das Licht etwas genauer zu beobachten. Noch war es einfach stationär und unbeweglich,doch da began es sich unmerklich langsam zu bewegen und langsam über die Tannenwipfel hinweg-zu-streichen. Dann wurde es schneller und schneller und stieg höher.

Von meinem Standpunkt aus gesehen und meiner Schätzung nach beobachtete ich es solange, bis es auf ca. 200 bis 300 meter Höhe gestiegen war, wobei es langsam seine dunkelgelbe Farbe in ein tiefes Dunkel rot veränderte . Auf besagter Höhe angelangt, stand das Licht für einige Augenblicke still, setzte sich danach aber gleich wieder in Bewegung , mit genauem Kurs an mich zu. Das geschah mit plötzlicher enormer Geschwindigkeit, wobei sich das Licht mit dem Herannahen zusehends vergrösserte und dabei wiederum seine Färbe änderte, diesmal in ein milchiges Weiss.

  Dann stand die Lichtkugel wieder plötzlich still, während ich der Dinge harrte, die nun wohl kommen mussten. Zu erwähnen ist dabei noch, dass das Lichtobjekt während seines Fluges unaufhaltsam hochgestiegen war und sich nun in etwa 2000 bis 3000 Meter Höhe befand. Unterhalb der Lichtkugel begann nun plötzlich ein wahrer Funkenregen nieder zu gehen – wie bei einem gigantischen Feuerwerk – wohl an die 150 bis 200 Meter lang. Diese Erscheinung war mit äusserst starken Geräuschen verbunden, gerade so, wie wenn zwei nicht isolierte elektrische Starkstromkabel für längere Zeit sich berührt hätten. Anschliessend war ein deutlicher Knall hörbar . Danach began sich alles rückwärts zu entwickeln, so wie es eben begonnen hatte. Die Lichtkugel entfernte sich wieder, stieg höher und schwebte ruhig nordwärts davon, um bald danach ins hochhängend Gewölk einzutauchen und zu verschwinden. ..."

Teil der Erklärung von Zeuge Jakob Bertschinger die er unterschrieb Pfäffikon, 20. April 1976


Energy burning  

Guido Mosbrugger  

Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte, Gesprächte, Block 2 printed Augsburg 2003  page 207 Statement related to unofficial night time contact held 13 June 1976

This took place during an unofficial contact Billy Meier had with Semjase 13 June 1976 early AM . Guido wrote a 3 page statement supported with very good night time photos. And there were several other witnesses present with him that night. Guido was given 3 days advanced notice from Billy that Semjase would perform the demonstration for the purpose of delivering evidence. Because of this advanced notice, he was able to get hold of proper photo equipment ; telephoto lens, tripod and light sensitive dias colour film.



Left Guido Moosbrugger , photographed in 2000,  worked as a school principal at a school in Austria when he on the 13th of June 1976 together with a group of other witnesses followed Billy Meier to a remote area in the Swiss outback. This was the second time he followed Billy to a contact. By the use of a telephoto lens he that night captured sharp images of Semjases’ beam ship performing an energy burning. Guido was later given the task by Billy to outlay and explain technical information passed on to him from the extra-terrestrials. He authored two books about about Billy Meier UFO case  Und sie fliegen doch! (1991) and Flugreisen durch Zeit und Raum Reale Zeitreisen (2001)


Left Photo Nr. 567 taken at 02.15 h 13.June.1976 by Guido Moosbrugger. Place Winkelriet / Wetzikon

Semjases’s beamship radiating intensive light during night demonstration. Witnesses listed as being present when when Guido took this photo were: Margaret Flammer, Olga Walder, Amanda Stetter, Hans Schutzbach and Konrad Schutzbach.


Left Photo Nr. 568 taken one minute after the above, at 02.16 h 13 June 1976 by Guido Moosbrugger.  Place: Winkelriet / Wetzikon

The beamship has now entered the phase of energy burning. Below is part of Guiodo’s statement where he is describing what he witnessed:


"...Shortly after shone the third disc towards us in a higher position. According to the statement from the ladies should this have been three-coloured, what I personally really did not witness because I at that time was occupied with the adjustment of the camera. Soon afterwards quite high above the horizon appeared a silver disc which dropped a glittering drizzle straight down. For a better understanding I would like explicitly to emphasise that this so-called energy burning in fact is generated from the spaceship but is in no way identical with the figure itself.

Finally, we could after the demonstration track the slow departure of the space ship in the form of a red point, which rose high in the sky and was thereby getting smaller until it finally vanished from our view. The whole performance had lasted no longer than 10 minutes.

Towards half past two o'clock on a narrow farm road rattled a motorbike towards us from the mentioned direction. It was a Herr Meier who after the contact also had observed and taken photos of the demonstration. He informed us that Semjase has flown over Austria and on her return once again would land, albeit at another location... ”

  ' … Part of statement by Guido Moosbrugger and photos taken by him on the 13th of June, 1976. Photo equipment: Telephoto lens, tripod, light sensitive Dias colour film

German original

“... Bald danach leuchtete uns in höherer Position die dritte Scheibe entgegen. Nach Aussage der Damen soll diese dreifarbig gewesen sein, was ich persönlich nicht so recht mitbekommen habe, weil ich zu diesem Zeitpunkt mit dem Höherstellen der Kamera beschäftig war. Bald darauf erschien ziemlich hoch über dem Horizont eine silberne Scheibe, die einen glitzernden Sprühregen lotrecht nach unten fallen ließ. Zum besseren Verständnis möchte ich ausdrücklich betonen, daß diese sogenannten Energieverbrennungen zwar vom Raumschiff aus erzeugt werden, jedoch mit der Gestalt desselben keineswegs identisch sind. Schließlich konnten wir nach der Deomonstration den langsamen Abflug des Raumschiffes verfolgen in Form eines roten Punktes, der am Himmel hochstieg und dabei immer kleiner wurde, bis er endgültig unseren Blicken entschwand. Die gesamte Darbietung hatte nicht länger als 10 Minuten gedauert. Gegen halb drei Uhr ratterte uns auf einem schmalen Feldweg ein Moped aus der genannten Richtung entgegen. Es war H. Meier, der nach dem Kontakt die Demonstration ebenfalls beobachtet und fotografiert hatte. Er teilte uns mit, daß Semjase nach Österreich rübergeflogen sei und auf ihrem Rückflug noch einmal landen werde, allerdings an einer anderen Stelle...” Urheber Guido Moosbrugger 13 Juni 1976. Photo Geräte : Teleobjektiv, Dreibein, Lichtempfindlichen Diafarbfilm.

In Stimme der WASSERMANZEIT. WISSENWERTES aus Grenz- und Geisteswissenschaften und Ufologiestudien Nr. 1 September 1976 Billy wrote that as a rule, people who escorted him could potentially see no more than a landed beam ship or a beam ship taking off, but only in quite some distance away. The distance would always be more than 500 meter away. But in practical terms nobody would be able to see the ships when they were landed because they always and without exception landed and remained hidden within openings of the forest or at the forest edge. Which meant they would not be visible from a large distance away. At day contacts another circumstance came into play. The ships then used a light and ray breaking technology having the effect that it made their ships invisible to bystanders. Not even from an airplane could it then be spotted when it is flew away. The landing places were always chosen in hidden and remote areas with no people around.

Jakob Bertschinger  wrote in his statement, which involved a night contact “….it became 00.40 h, as I suddenly saw in northerly direction above the fir treetops a dark yellow-coloured light which was stationary and which came out of nowhere”.  Gudio wrote in his statement, which also related to a night contact. “Neither from the landing nor from the take-off of the spaceship did we see or hear the slightest.” This could suggest the cloaking screen was used at night time contacts as well. It could indicate that the view protective shield was activated at a certain height above the landing area. So that it actually would land in an invisible state. It could be part of their safety measures as it would make it harder for any unwanted bystanders to pinpoint the exact location where the face to face contact was taking place.