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Billy Meier knew the size of the black hole in the Milky Way before the orbit of the star S2 was known.


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By Kåre Bergheim

5th of May 2015

  • The time leading up to the scientific discovery of the black hole in the Milky Way.

  • 2002/2008 The scientific evidence of the black hole is presented.

  • The black hole research teams headed by Richard Genzel and Andrea Ghez.

  • The observation of S2 ruled out alternatives to the black hole and made it possible to measure the size of the black hole itself.

  • 1995/1997 – The black hole is mentioned in his book Aus den Tiefen des Weltenraums… Kontakte mit den Plejadiern/Plejaren (1997).

  • 1988 – The information Billy Meier was given about the black hole in the Milky Way. How could Billy Meier know the size of the black hole before the orbit of S2 was known?

  • 1987 – Billy Meier is told what came first of the black hole and the galaxy and why.




Artist’s concept of Sagittarius A, the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech




The time leading up to the scientific discovery of the black hole in the Milky Way


The first evidence for a central black hole came in 1932, when American radio engineer Karl Jansky discovered powerful radio waves coming from the center of the galaxy. Later scientists concluded the radio waves were probably caused by matter falling into the black hole at high speeds.


Astronomers later pinned down the source and gave it a name _ Sgr A* (read as ``Sagittarius A Star). Sagittarius A was discovered in 1974 using the baseline interferometer of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory.  The name Sgr A* was coined because the radio source was "exciting," and excited states of atoms are denoted with asterisks.


The central black hole itself is difficult to detect because it does not emit radiation. Another obstacle is the enormous clouds of interstellar dust lying between Earth and the galactic center, blocking visible light and forcing astronomers to fall back on infrared and radio telescopes.


In the article Fast moving stars hint at black hole  United Press International Science News September 7 1998 a California astronomer Andrea Ghez of the University of California at Los  Angeles stated that day that some stars near the center of the galaxy are moving at speeds of up to 3 million miles per hour, about 10 times the speed at which stars usually move.


She said the speeding stars are the best evidence yet (as of 1998) that there's a giant black hole at the center of the galaxy. She said their unusual speed occurs because they are being pulled by the powerful gravity of the black hole.


Ghez's announcement was the results of three years of study using Hawaii's Keck I telescope. Ghez said: ``This is the best evidence yet. There's been a growing case for a central black hole over the past few years...but there's no longer any ambiguity.''


In the article Two Stars Do a Short-Orbit Tango Around the Milky Way’s Black Hole  published October 5, 2012 states it is known that nearly 3,000 stars that orbit somewhat close to the black hole, and most of them have orbits of 60 years or longer. But the first of those close-in star to be monitored was S0-2 or S2, a star which orbits the black hole every 15.5 years. The article furthermore states that Andrea Ghez and her team started monitoring the star S0-2 in 1995.”it says:


”Ghez and her colleagues have been observing S0-2 since 1995. In 2000, she and her team reported — for the first time – that astronomers had seen stars accelerate around the supermassive black hole. Their research demonstrated that three stars had accelerated by more than 250,000 mph a year as they orbited the black hole. The speed of S0-102 and S0-2 should also accelerate by more than 250,000 mph at their closest approach, Ghez said. “



2002/2008 The scientific evidence of the black hole is presented.


On the timeline towards the confirmation of the Milky way black hole, two years stand out. That is 2002 and 2008. By 2002 2/3rd of S2’s orbit had been plotted and by 2008 the entire orbit of S2 had been plotted. S2’s full orbit around the black hole was calculated to be 15,5 years. This is from the 2008 article S2 and the central black hole :


“On October 16, 2002, the European Southern Observatory (ESO) announced that a team of astronomers (led by researchers at the Max-Planck-Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE)) had developed strong evidence of the existence of a supermassive central black hole in the Milky Way, by plotting out about two-thirds of S2's orbit around an apparent superdense object, using direct infrared and radio observations of the star's orbital motion since 1992.


By 2008, ESO/MPE astronomers had observed a complete orbit of S2 as well as those of at least 27 other stars in the so-called "S-star cluster" in the "innermost  arc second." (Gillessen et al, 2008 and ESO press release). No other currently known celestial object other than a supermassive black hole accounts for the observational and orbital characteristics found and the extremely high density of the central object estimated (MPE research introduction and MPE summary; Schödel et al, 2002; and Eckhart and Schödel, 2001).”


This is how the confirmation of the Milky Way black hole was reported by one of the media outlets:


Black hole confirmed in Milky Way

BBC News 9 December 2008

There is a giant black hole at the centre of our galaxy, a 16-year study by German astronomers has confirmed.



The black hole research teams headed by Richard Genzel and Andrea Ghez.


The information gathered by two groups, one American group led by Andrea Ghez, UCLA California, as mentioned above, and a German group led by Prof. Dr. Reinhard Genzel. Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Munich produced the evidence that a black hole exists in the center of the Milky Way.


Genzel began obtaining those measurements in 1992 with the ESO 8 meter Very Large Telescope in Chile, while Ghez followed soon after; beginning in 1995, with the 10 meter Keck telescope in Hawaii. Important advantages with these two telescopes are that they are above most of the water vapour in Earth's atmosphere, allowing them to view the universe at infrared wavelengths, which penetrate the galaxy's dust clouds.


This is from Series » Black Holes » Reinhard Genzel: The giant black hole in the milky way


“Reinhard Genzel is the man who revealed the supermassive black hole at the very centre of our own galaxy, the Milky Way. The evidence gathered by his research group in Germany and by a group led by Andrea Ghez in California is now so compelling that there is no longer a debate among astronomers that black holes really exist. In 2008 Genzel received the Shaw Prize in Astronomy for this work. The Shaw Prize is one of the most prestigious in all of science.


As long ago as the 1970s some astronomers began to suspect that a very large black hole could be lurking in the centre of the Milky Way, but it was generally felt that it would be too difficult to prove. Reinhard Genzel thought differently. Working for 20 years, he developed new kinds of astronomical cameras and then used them to do time-lapse photography of stars at the very centre of the Galaxy. His determination and patience finally paid off in 2002, when he could prove that the central stars were moving so fast that only the extremely strong gravity of a black hole having the mass of millions of Suns could keep them on their orbits.”



The observation of S2 ruled out alternatives to the black hole and made it possible to measure the size of the black hole itself


According to the information here, the website of Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, which is where the Reinhard Genzel is employed, prior to 2002, when 2/3 of the S2 orbit had been monitored, there was at least two other alternatives to the black hole theory that could not be ruled out; namely a ball of massive, degenerate fermions, like neutrinos, or a cluster of dark astrophysical objects, such as stellar mass black holes or neutron stars.


These two alternative explanations could be excluded by analysing the orbit of S2. Also analysing the uniqe keplerian orbit for S2 made it possible to calculate the enclosed mass in in a straightforward manner to be 3.7 +/- 1.5 million solar masses. Thus the black hole was calculated to be between minimum 2.2 million solar masses to maximum 5.2 million solar masses based on the orbit of the star S-2.




Reinhard Genzel is the man who revealed the supermassive black hole at the very centre of our own galaxy, the Milky Way. The evidence gathered by his research group in Germany and by a group led by Andrea Ghez in California is now so compelling that there is no longer a debate among astronomers that black holes really exist.



1995/1997 – The black hole is mentioned in his book Aus den Tiefen des Weltenraums… Kontakte mit den Plejadiern/Plejaren (1997)


What I know, based on the material I have in my possession, is that that Billy Meier knew about the black hole in the Milky Way in 1997 because that year he published a book where he wrote about it. That book is called Aus den Tiefen des Weltenraums… Kontakte mit den Plejadiern/Plejaren (1997) von <Billy> Eduard Albert Meier and on page 321 it says. Part Quote:


“…But the scientists will still at that time be prevented from venturing into the centre of our Galaxy, for also to tap into the black hole there. Nor will this be necessary, for the time being, because the surrounding objects are fully sufficient for energy production to suit Earth “


“…, which is why further research will be diligently made, also with regard to Astronomy, whereby it will be penetrated into the centre of the Milky Way in order to fathom the secret of its black hole.”


German original


Unter Bezugnahme auf Aus den Tiefen des Weltenraums… Kontakte mit den Plejadiern/Plejaren (1997) von <Billy> Eduard Albert Meier Seite 321. Teil Zitat:


“Noch wird es aber zu dieser Zeit den Wissenschaftlern verwehrt sein, bis in das Zentrum unserer Galaxie vorzustossen, um auch das dortige Schwarze Loch anzusapfen. Dies aber wird vorderhand auch nicht nötig sein, denn die umliegenden Objekte zur Energiegewinnung sind vollumfänglich ausreichend, um der Erde dienlich zu sein.”


“ …, weshalb fleissig weitergeforscht wird, auch hinsichtlich der Astronomie, wodurch bis in das Zentrum der Milchstrasse vorgedrungen wird, um dessen und des Schwarzen Loches Geheimnis zu ergründen.”



That information is from contact 251 held 3 February 1995 which is printed in SEMJASE-KONTAKT-BERICHTE BLOCK 15 on page 2841 and which contains contact 250-260, marked copyright 1995/2000.


Thus Meier knew in 1995. But even if one here consider 1997 as the year Meier knew, based on the above book which he published that year, it is still well before the final confirmation of the black hole in 2008, the breakthrough findings by the German group headed by Reinhard Genzel in 2002 and even the preliminary finding published by the American group headed  by Andrea Ghez in 1998.


And, as already mentioned further above, according to Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik , prior to 2002, which was when 2/3 of the orbit of S2 had been monitored, there was at least two other alternatives to the black hole theory that could not be ruled out; namely a ball of massive, degenerate fermions, like neutrinos, or a cluster of dark astrophysical objects, such as stellar mass black holes or neutron stars.



1988 – The information Billy Meier was given about the black hole in the Milky Way. How could Billy Meier know the size of the black hole before the orbit of S2 was known?


But even more amazing here is that Meier received advance information about the black hole in 1988, which was years before the two research group credited with its discovery had even started monitoring the stars which in the end confirmed that there was a black hole there. To find out if there was a black hole and how big it is, it was crucial to plot and record the orbit and data of the star S0-2 or S-2. The German group headed by Genzel started monitoring S-2 and other stars in 1992 and the American group headed by Ghez started monitoring S-2 and other stars in 1995.


Based on the motion of S-2 the German group estimated the black hole to be around 3.7 plus/minus 1.5 million solar masses. Thus the figure Billy Meier presented in in the German Contact notes in 1988 of the black hole being 3.41 million solar masses lies within the window of the size of the black hole as here calculated by Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik .


How could Billy Meier know the size of the Milky Way black hole before the orbit of S2 was known, unless he received the information from a credible extra-terrestrial source who already knew it’s size?


I do not have the SEMJASE-KONTAKT-BERICHTE BLOCK where Meier first published contact 424 held 7 July 1988, but I have got the hard cover format, which came out later, which is Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte Block 5 (2004) where this contact is also published. 


This is the information Billy Meier was given by the extra-terrestrials in 1988 about the Milky Way black hole:


With reference to Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte, Gespräche, Block 5 (2004) Contact 224 Wednesday 7. July 1988, 05.19 o’clock Page 432. Part quote, my translation above the German original:



Good. Ptaah said that every black hole is in its nature depending on the galaxy, which probably means that a black hole is given in accordance with the size of the galaxy. According to this, a small galaxy would have a smaller black hole, and a larger galaxy would have a larger one.



42. That is correct.

43. The mightier a galaxy is, the more massive and extensive is the black hole.

44. Black holes – also the non-galactic – do not originate from scratch, however, because they only grow and develop together with the surrounding matter, thus in one case, together with the galaxy, and in the other case, when rogue solar structures collapse and then move through the universe as wandering black holes, if I may explain it in that way.



You may, of course. The center of the black hole of our Milky Way is located, also according to Ptaah’s explanation, about 35,000 light years away from the SOL system in the constellation of Sagittarius, while we with our solar system are resided far outside in the so-called Orion spiral arm. However, we are not entirely outside of this because until the very outside, simply up to the last gases of our galaxy, there are still a great number of light years, which must be calculated at around 20,000, but which is not known to our astronomical scientists.


Overall, our Milky Way, at the greatest distance, should have roughly 110,000 light years in diameter, while our scientists, however, only speak of about 60,000 light years. But now to this: As is well known, to my knowledge, Earth rushes at a speed of 28.8 kilometres per second around the Sun, but the innermost stars in our Milky Way, which orbit in a large distance around the black hole, must accordingly surely have a higher speed, right?  Earth is after all a small planet and orbits in a great distance of about 150 million kilometres around our relatively small sun.



45. Your statements are correct.               

46. And to your question, I would like to say the following:

47. The innermost stars of your galaxy, the Milky Way, are orbiting the black hole at a very high speed, which is continuously increasing the closer the stars approach the black hole.         

48. The inner suns and gases, etc., which are inclined toward the black hole, are moving at far more than 1,000 kilometres per second, whereby these, when they arrive at the innermost region, still double and triple their speed.      



And the black hole of our Milky Way amounts to approximately how many solar masses? And is the center somehow loose or compact and therefore massive?



49. It is a compact and therefore massive center, which has a gravitational force of around 3.41 million suns.


German Original


Unter Bezugnahme auf Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte, Gespräche, Block 5 (2004) Zweihundertvierundzwanzigster Kontakt  224 Donnerstag,  7. Juli 1988, 05.19 Uhr Seite 432



Gut. Ptaah sagte, dass jedes Schwarze Loch je nach Galaxie geartet sei, was wohl bedeutet, dass ein Schwarzes Loch gemäss der Grösse der Galaxie gegeben ist. Eine kleine Galaxie hätte demnach ein kleineres und eine grössere Galaxie ein grösseres Schwarzes Loch.



42. Das ist von Richtigkeit.

43. Je mächtiger eine Galaxie ist, desto massiver und umfangreicher ist das Schwarze Loch.

44. Die Schwarzen Löcher – auch die nichtgalaktischen – entstehen aber nicht von Grund auf, denn sie wachsen und entwickeln sich nur gemeinsam mit der sie umgebenden Materie, so also im einen Fall gemeinsam mit der Galaxie, und im andern Fall, wenn Einzelgänger-Sonnengebilde kollabieren und dann als Wander-Schwarze-Löcher durch den Weltenraum ziehen, wenn ich das so erklären darf.



Darfst du, natürlich. Das Zentrum vom Schwarzen Loch unserer Milchstrasse liegt ja, auch gemäss Ptaahs Erklärung, rund 35 000 Lichtjahre vom SOL-System entfernt im Sternbild des Schützen, während wir mit unserem Sonnen-System ja weit draussen im sogenannten Orion-Spiralarm angesiedelt sind. Wir sind jedoch nicht ganz ausserhalb diesem, denn bis ganz draussen, eben bis zu den letzten Gasen unserer Galaxie, sind es noch eine ganze Reihe Lichtjahre, die mit rund deren 20 berechnet werden müssen, was aber unseren astronomischen Wissenschaftlern nicht bekannt ist.


Gesamthaft soll unsere Milchstrasse bei der grössten Distanz rund 110,000 Lichtjahre Durchmesser haben, während unsere Wissenschaftler aber nur von etwa 60,000 Lichtjahren sprechen. Doch nun zu dem: Bekanntlich saust meines Wissens die Erde mit einer Geschwindigkeit von 28,8 Sekundenkilometern um die Sonne, jedoch die innersten Sterne unserer Milchstrasse, die in weitem Abstand um das Schwarze Loch kreisen, müssen dementsprechend doch eine höhere Geschwindigkeit haben, oder? Die Erde ist ja ein kleiner Planet und kreist in grosser Entfernung von rund 150 Millionen Kilometern um unsere relativ kleine Sonne.



45. Deine Ausführungen sind von Richtigkeit.

46. Und zu deiner Frage möchte ich folgendes sagen:

47. Die innersten Gestirne eurer Galaxie, der Milchstrasse, umkreisen das Schwarze Loch mit sehr hoher Geschwindigkeit, die stetig steigend ist, je näher die Gestirne sich dem Schwarzen Loch nähern.

48. Weit mehr als 1000 Kilometer pro Sekunde weisen die inneren und dem Schwarzen Loch sich zuneigenden Sonnen und Gase usw. auf, wobei diese, wenn sie in den innersten Bereich gelangen, ihre Geschwindigkeit noch verdoppeln und verdreifachen.



Und das Schwarze Loch unserer Milchstrasse beträgt in etwa wie viele Sonnenmassen? Und ist das Zentrum irgendwie lose oder kompakt und also massiv?



49. Es handelt sich um ein kompaktes und also massives Zentrum, das eine Anziehungskraft von rund 3,41 Millionen Sonnen aufweist.




1987 -  Billy Meier is explained what came first of the black hole and the galaxy and why.


In the video interview with Richard Genzer above, the man who discovered the black hole, he is being asked what came first of the black hole or the galaxy. His reply is that it’s is a chicken and egg question of what came first, the chicken or the egg. It is a question to which our science simply does not know the answer, he says. Thus our science presently does not know what came first of the black hole and the galaxy.


Billy Meier, however, was told already in 1987 what came first and why. It was the black hole.


Billy Meier was told that a galaxy only form from an existing “black hole.” Through its gravitational field, it draws, i.e. tears,  very far reaching nebulae, gases, dust particles, suns, and planets, as well as meteors, comets, and asteroids, etc. into its ban, whereby everything  then, already within very many light-years distance to the “black hole,” starts to rotate around it from which a galaxy in the end is formed, whose entire mass rotates at enormous speed in a bar-shaped or spiral-shaped, or in any other form, around the center, even around the “black hole.”


This is the information Billy Meier received from his extra-terrestrial contact Quetzal in 1987:


With reference to Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte, Gespräche, Block 5 (2004) Contact 218 Saturday 30. May 1987, 00.02 o’clock Page 333. Part quote, my translation above the German original:



I see, that is accepted and also clear. Now, once again a question that refers to the “black hole” phenomenon. It is still not clear to our astronomical science as to whether black holes really exist.



60. About that, I am not allowed to explain too much because there is still a fairly long time needed before the astronomical scientists of Earth are in a position to understand these important matters.

61. It will therefore extend into the third millennium before they will be ready to acquire the necessary understanding for this and to evaluate it correctly.

62. They must first gain a lot of other knowledge through research, in order to be able to understand everything step-by-step in the overall interrelationship.



But you could still go into it in broad terms.



63. Well, but I really cannot explain too much.

64. So

65. In every galaxy, a black hole exists at its center.

66. In addition, there are still black holes that have their existence in free space, which are stationary, so to speak, while others wander through free space, as this is also the case with regard to “black clouds,” i.e. dark matter clouds, which are simply called “dark clouds” by the earthly scientists of astronomy.


67. The so-called “black holes” actually have nothing to do with a hole, because in truth, these involve very coarse material matter formations of enormous proportions, which originally came into existence from gigantic collapsed suns, as well as partially from collapsed galaxies.

68. Such events also occur similarly at the present time and also in the future, time and again somewhere in any stretch of the universal material belt, which is erroneously being regarded and referred to as the actual and whole Universe by the earthly scientists of astronomy; even though, this consists of six other belts, so therefore, there are seven of them.


69. But back to the black holes:

70. These form, i.e. thus result due to a collapsing of suns of immense sizes as well due to the collapsing of galaxies, in which, however, a black hole already is pre-existing.

71. Through the collapsing, is the entire mass of the collapsing sun or galaxy being so tremendously strongly pressed together, i.e. compressed, that a small quantity of only 1 cubic centimeter of matter weighs several tons.


72. And this, in a such way compressed matter, naturally also generates a powerful gravitational field, through which tremendous masses of matter are drawn-in and being pulled into the “black hole,” i.e. into the compression-body, whereby this slowly but steadily grows and becomes larger.

73. This growing naturally means that also the gravitational field becomes increasingly stronger and more far-reaching.

74. In your galaxy, which you call the Milky Way, the gravitational field extends far beyond 100,000 light-years in diameter.


75. From this, it can also be recognized that a galaxy only form from an existing “black hole.”          

76. Through its gravitational field, it draws, i.e. tears,  very far reaching nebulae, gases, dust particles, suns, and planets, as well as meteors, comets, and asteroids, etc. into its ban, whereby everything  then, already within very many light-years distance to the “black hole,” starts to rotate around it from which a galaxy in the end is formed, whose entire mass rotates at enormous speed in a bar-shaped or spiral-shaped, or in any other form, around the center, even around the “black hole.”


77. During this process, it naturally occurs that gradually, the pulled in matter through the compressed core, i.e. through the “black hole,” makes the core more and more powerful, and in the end it swallows the entire galaxy, which will also happen some day with the Milky Way.

78. However, such a process takes hundreds of millions of years and often even billions of years.

79. That is what I am allowed to explain my friend.



German original


Unter Bezugnahme auf Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte, Gespräche, Block 5 (2004) Zweihundertachtzehnter Kontakt Samstag 30. Mai 1987, 00.02 Uhr. Zeite 333



Aha, das ist akzeptiert und zudem klar. Jetzt wieder einmal eine Frage, die sich auf das Phänomen <Schwarzes Loch>  bezieht. Noch immer ist sich unsere astronomische Wissenschaft nicht klar, ob Schwarze Löcher wirklich existieren.



60. Darüber darf ich nicht zuviel erklären, denn es ist noch geraume Zeit erforderlich, ehe die Astronomie-Wissenschaftler der Erde in die Lage kommen, diese wichtigen Dinge zu verstehen.

61. So wird es in das dritte Jahrtausend hineinreichen, ehe sie soweit sein werden, das erforderliche Verstehen dafür zu erlangen und es richtig auszuwerten.

62. Erst müssen sie noch viele andere Erkenntnisse durch Forschungen erlangen, um nach und nach alles in den gesamten Zusammenhängen verstehen zu können.



Aber in groben Zügen könntest du doch darauf eingehen.



63. Gut, doch darf ich wirklich nicht zuviel erklären.

64. Also

65. In jeder Galaxie existiert in deren Zentrum ein Schwarzes Loch.

66. Danebst gibt es aber noch Schwarze Löcher, die im freien Weltenraum ihre Existenz haben, die sozusagen stationär sind, während andere durch den freien Raum wandern, wie das auch in bezug auf “Schwarze Wolken” resp. Dunkelmaterie-Wolken der Fall ist, die von den irdischen Wissenschaftlern der Astronomie einfach Dunkelwolken genannt werden.


67. Die sogenannten “Schwarzen Löcher” haben eigentlich nichts mit einem Loch zu tun, denn wahrheitlich handelt es sich dabei um sehr grobstoffliche Materiegebilde von enormen Ausmassen, die ursprünglich durch riesenhafte kollabierte Sonnen sowie teilweise auch durch kollabierte Galaxien entstanden sind.

68. Gleichermassen ergeben sich solche Geschehen auch zur gegenwärtigen Zeit und auch in Zukunft immer wieder irgendwo in irgendwelchen Weiten des universellen Materiegürtels, der von den irdischen Wissenschaftlern der Astronomie irrtümlich als das eigentliche und vollständige Universum betrachtet und bezeichnet wird, obwohl dieses aus sechs weiteren Gürteln besteht, folglich also deren sieben sind.


69. Doch zurück zu den Schwarzen Löchern:

70. Diese entstanden resp. entstehen also durch eine Kollabierung von Sonnen immenser Grösse sowie durch die Kollabierung von Galaxien, in denen jedoch auch bereits ein Schwarzes Loch vorgegeben ist.

71. Durch die Kollabierung wird die gesamte Masse der zusammenstürzenden Sonne oder Galaxie ungeheuer stark zusammengepresst resp. komprimiert, dass eine kleine Menge von nur einem Kubikzentimeter Materie mehrere Tonnen wiegt.


72. Und diese derart komprimierte Materie erzeugt natürlich auch ein gewaltiges Gravitationsfeld, durch das ungeheure Massen Materie angezogen und in das “Schwarze Loch” resp. in den Komprimierungskörper hineingerissen werden, wodurch dieser langsam aber stetig wächst und grösser wird.

73. Dieses Anwachsen bedeutet natürlich, dass auch das Gravitationsfeld immer starker und weitreichender wird.

74. Bei eurer Galaxie, die ihr als Milchstrasse bezeichnet, reicht das Gravitationsfeld im Durchmesser weit über 100000 Lichtjahre hinaus.


75. Daraus kann auch erkannt werden, dass eine Galaxie erst durch ein existierendes “Schwarzes Loch” entsteht.

76. Dieses zieht resp. reisst durch sein Gravitationsfeld sehr weitreichend Nebel, Gase, Staubpartikel, Sonnen und Planeten sowie Meteore, Kometen und Asteroiden usw. in seinen Bann, wobei dann alles schon in sehr vielen Lichtjahren Entfernung zum “Schwarzen Loch” um dieses zu rotieren beginnt, woraus letztendlich eine Galaxie entsteht, deren gesamte Masse sich balkenförmig oder spiralförmig oder in irgendeiner anderen Form in ungeheurer Geschwindigkeit um das Zentrum dreht, eben um das “Schwarze Loch”.


77. Bei diesem Vorgang geschieht es natürlich, dass nach und nach die durch den komprimierten Kern resp. durch das “Schwarze Loch” hereingerissene Materie den Kern immer gewaltiger macht und letztendlich die ganze Galaxie verschluckt, was auch dereinst mit der Milchstrasse geschehen wird.

78. Ein solcher Prozess dauert jedoch Hunderte von Jahrmillionen und oft gar Jahrmilliarden.

79. Das ist das, mein Freund, was ich erklären darf.